Olive Cup Building / Landmark in Holos | World Anvil
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Olive Cup

A three-story clay brick building with a covered palisade on the first floor. Walking inside, you find a small hallway that descends a few steps before opening up to a large chamber filled with small tables and chairs. On the far side of the chamber you see a bar with several patrons gathered around and along the walls of the chamber you can see low archways that open up to small semi-private alcoves. From one of the alcoves a troupe of Mashiqi half-elves sing and play a lilting tune on bazug lutes and harmonias. Veiled local women fill the room with smoke from their water pipes as Pilgrims dressed in mail and dusty tabards carouse and toast to the coming Qartagonian army. Behind the bar, a bearded tiefling with rose red skin offers drinks to the thirsty patrons.

Purpose / Function

The Olive Cup is one of several inns/taverns in the Pilgrim Quarter. It caters to Pilgrims, travelers, and those whom have settled in Jeharoa after from Auloa. It has a reputation as being a place where decent folk can ask for less than decent things. Occasionally, sex workers can be found looking for patrons. More often, it is used as a place where merchants and caravans of pilgrims can seek out trained Pilgrim knights and guards for missions throughout the Mashiq and beyond. Honest business transactions also occur here and it has become a meeting place used by members of the Frosted Gold Company.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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