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Homo Exodus

Before Exodus

1 B.E. and before

Before the exodus of humanity onto other celestial bodies.

  • Ancient History
    The Climate Revolution

    As Earth's climate rapidly declined, most parts of the earth have become uninhabitable to human life. Food supply chains broke down and famine was widespread. Disease and strife were the themes of this period. As major national governments broke down one after the other, people began to believe it to be the end of humanity. Instead of giving up, some countries decided to come together to form bigger political blocs. Old hatreds were abandoned in the common interest of collective survival. Major infrastructure projects were initiated to combat the changing environment. While they were successful, it was too little, too late.

  • -23 B.E.

    The Great Unity

    Armed skirmishes were widespread. Every clan, tribe, group was fighting over whatever resources they can find. Freshwater, fertile fields, shelter, are all precious resources worth dying for. Only the political blocs have some semblance of control over their populace. But they are failing too. All of them have theories on how to resolve the climate problem permanently. Yet none has enough resources to initiate the work. Confronted by survival, they sat down in front of a conference table and began one of the most important conferences in human history. After only three days of intense negotiations, the representative of each bloc walked out of the conference room and immediately announced the formation of the United Earth Cooperation. The three political blocs would serve as the core members of this cooperation. While they have the most power within the organization, they are also required to contribute the most resources to its projects. Other nations with still some semblance of a government were also invited.

Homo Exodus

1 H.E. and beyond

Finally equipped with the power to create permanently manned space stations around other planets, the Homo Exodus marks a dramatic shift in the course of human history.

  • 1 H.E.

    The Exodus

    The Earth is saved. While Earth's climate gradually transits towards recovery thanks to the The Reverse Dyson Cloud, most of the Earth was still very much uninhabitable for humans. It would take centuries for some areas to recover to a point of human habitation. People, full of hope for the first time in generations, will not wait for that long. Instead, they looked up.   With the completion of the first interplanetary ship Unity I, it marks the official transition of humanity from a planet-bound race to a space-faring species. While still considered highly unreliable, this MFP-powered ship is an undeniable transition away from the inefficient rockets and space capsules of the older times. Co-owned by the three political blocs, Unity I was crewed by 10 members from each bloc. 8 observers from the other nations were also stationed onboard. Together, they formed the 38 of Unity I who bravely explored the various planets for the potential of inhabitation.   With this, the exodus out of Earth has begun.

  • 31 H.E.

    The Second Age of Discovery

    According to ancient historical records, the Europeans called a period when they began to explore the world The Age of Discovery. During which, they found new lands and invaded new cultures. While their actions were barbaric, their spirit to travel into the unknown was well respected to this day. As stable colonies were set up around other planets within the solar system, the demand for basic resources like various metals skyrocketed. Colonists were willing to pay a premium for shipments of resources that they desperately need.   With this demand comes the IFN (Interplanetary Freight Network). Interplanetary shipping is a dangerous job. Radiation, micrometeorites, piracy, it doesn't take much to completely obliterate a spacecraft. The network accepts any individual willing to sit into a ME suit or a transport ship. Most die within a year, to accidents or foul competition. Anyone who managed to survive for the ten-year duration of its contract is considered a formidable pilot. Breaching the contract before its completion, and you will be hunted throughout the system.