Crackle Crackle

Crackle Glass is a younglin song, based on the events of The Great Glassing, with the warning to not pick up any Scorium if they encounter it.


Verses include the child-like description of what happened when the Fission Weapons were dropped onto the Human Nations, commonly referring to them as "stars" or "star fire", as well as describing how the sky turned white and the thunderous sound of the bombs.
The description of the glass crackling is in direct relation to the slang "crackle glass", refering to how radiation counters “crackle” when near Scorium.


Due to the song being passed along by word of mouth, there have been many variations developed either out of not remembering correctly, or just wanting to create other versions.

Cultural Reception

While some Nasgovian Hoomans wanted to shield younglins from the knowledge of The Great Glassing, considering them to be too young to burdened with knowing what happened yet, worries had flared up of the potential situation of a younglin encountering Scorium and not understanding it's dangers until it's too late (despite the low chances of the material being found within the Hooman nation).   There has also been some criticism to the song itself, as some have argued that it gives younglins the wrong impression of what Scorium is like, since without a radiation counter the glass doesn't crackle.
Glass may crackle crackle, shimmer and glow,
But don't pick it up, this you must know,
It's harmful my friend, so please stay away,
Be safe, be smart, that's how we play,
— Chorus
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