Loralus Crater

Loralus Crater is a large underwater Corporate City, designed and constructed to house Triton Mineral's Headquarters and its primary resource extraction and processing facility as well as its most secure research facility. 

Loralus Crater required development of specialized techniques, facilities and construction to build a city deep beneath the ocean. Then in addition to make it sustainable and long term habitable, building an underwater arcology. This is then connected by several sea lifts to a carefully designed small surface complex with air and sea landing ports for cargo in and out. 


Almost all Terran Sentient Species are represented within Triton Minerals and most can be found in Tritons Headquarters Site.


Triton is a Corporation and as such its holdings are countered as its own National Territory. Corporate bureaucracy runs all of Tritons territories, ultimate decisions flow down from the Corporations board of directors. 


As Loralus Crater is now the headquarters and primary operating site on Earth, as well as housing the secrets of Site Alpha, no expense has been spared on the defences built into the complexes. Given the depth of the surrounding ocean, it makes it an initial difficult barrier for any would be attackers. Then there is the high tech sophisticated sensor networks, hardlight barriers, automated turrets.

Inside the complex is internal segmentation, blast doors, surveillance, automated defences, drones and nearly a thousand security personnel. 

Industry & Trade

The primary industry in Loralus Crater is Mineral and Ore Extraction and Refinery. Secondary industry is the development and manufacture of mining equipment and technology as well as such some specialist harsh environment equipment and facilities. 


Contained within the massive underwater complex across the crater basin. There is Mining Complexes built into the underwater mountain range surrounding the basin. Refineries and Manufacturing plants. There is also a large, secure and heavily guarded research complex known as Site Alpha. Amongst all this industry is a carefully crafted Archology City, housing everything that a citizen could need. 


Loralus Crater was discovered by a Triton Minerals exploration team investigating energy disturbances recorded during the Choas Wave a hundred
years earlier. The exploration team discovered vast ranges of metal ores, minerals as well as what appeared to be the ruins of an unknown city buried into the seabed.

Triton Minerals initially setup a facility referred to as Site Alpha, primarily a research complex with additional structures built to begin harvesting and mining resources. In 2196, Triton's scientists managed to activate the Gateway, opening a portal to the world of Horizon.

At the discovery of a resource rich world, Triton began to move personnel to Horizon and began expanding the facilities at Site Alpha. A year later Triton Minerals decided to construct an underwater Arcology city and move its onworld headquarters to the basin. Thus the city of Loralus Crater began to take shape. In 2198 it was officially opened as Triton Mineral's Headquarters.

Points of interest

Triton Minerals Headquarters
Site Alpha
Sea Lifts


Loralus Crater is located deep under the Atlantic Ocean several hundred miles off the coast of Antarctica. It sits in the centre of an under water mountain range. 

Natural Resources

Large deposits of Iron, Plantinum and Rare Earth Minerals and Metals

Founding Date
Owning Organization