Triton Minerals


Triton Minerals despite being a public Corporation, is still held within the Taggart Family, with most corporate board positions being filled by family members and relatives. Currently only the CFO and Security Director's Positions are not held by Taggarts.

Triton Minerals is broken down into 4 main divisions each with its own Director, Resource Extraction, Research and Development, Manufacturing and Security. There are a couple of smaller divisions that support the four main operations in areas such as Human Resources and Maintenance. 


Over the time it has been operating Triton Minerals developed a different strategy and culture to most of the Corporations. The early Taggart's figured that providing good working conditions, environments and benefits to its staff would foster a culture of hard work and loyalty. Which it did, in addition due to the care the Corporation took in its environmental impacts as it extracted resources and support infrastructure it invested in where it was operating, also meant that the Corporation managed to maintain good public relations with locals. 

Public Agenda

Triton Minerals excels in resource extraction in difficult or almost impossible locations and at reasonable profit rates. They actively look to develop or acquire technologies to assist in this process. This has resulted in them gaining additional revenue streams with license sales of equipment and designs to other industries.


Triton Minerals have several lucrative mining sites, the primary facility being Site Alpha. And have recently been approached by the Corporate Council to aid in the Space Colonies on Mars and the Asteroid belt. 

Triton Minerals employs about 25,000 personnel across its Mining, Research and Development, Manufacturing and Security Divisions.

Triton's Wealth is estimated to be around 500 Billion Credits. 


Triton Minerals began in 2003 as the brainchild of Janet Taggart. She came from a family with a tradition of mining but during her time in college and university had become concerned with the way that global warming and environmental impact from various industries were affecting the world. She for years had studied Engineering and Mining with the family business.

Whilst in University she began to study environmental sciences, extending her time there by several years. Looking at various industries she noticed that they always approached new projects and developments with the technology and processes they had then looked at the environmental impact. She decided to flip the equation on the head, looking at the environment and potential impact. The she looked at processes and technologies that fit her impact constraints, even exploring new and untested processes and technologies.

Relying heavily on her own inheritance, she managed to secure a small mining contract in the very restrictive Greenland reserves. Triton Minerals the new company she had built were required to extract rare earth metals without damaging the environment in the region. Triton began construction of its first test mine on the edge of the reserve land, over the course of two years until the mine began extracting resources sufficiently to offset all the costs. 

Greenland's Government were suitable impressed by the progress of Triton and that minimal impact had been achieved. Triton had relied heavily on clean energy sources, renewables and synthetic oils and fuels when it did need to use them. 

Over the course of several decades, Triton Minerals expanded and moved to additional sites. They gaining a solid reputation as a company that could extract resources from more challenging environments. As the challenges increased, Triton began its own research and development divisions to explore new techniques and technologies to continue to improve the resource extraction.

By the time the Corporate Wars began after the Chaos Wave, Triton Minerals had become a large global corporation. Triton was not large enough to be considered as one of the super corporations but they were big enough to be considered worthy of respect. Especially as the corporations capabilities were in high demand by others to provide specialist resources.

After the discovery of Site Alpha and its vast resources in the region around it on the sea bed and underwater mountain ranges. Not to mention the puzzle of the ruins there. Triton began to invest significant resources into the sites development and research there. This was accelerated by the discovery of Horizon on the other side of the Gateway. Over the next few years the site was transformed into the complex that would become the city of Loralus Crater.

The collapse of the gateway between Earth and Horizon deprived Triton Minerals of potential wealth and resources however, a few years later, the Corporate Council approached Triton Minerals directors with a new and unique proposition. The expansion into the Mars, and the Asteroid Belt had been struggling due to the complexities of resource development and settlement construction. 

Demography and Population

The bulk of its employees are at Loralus Crater with the remainder spread amongst its various smaller facilities. The largest holding a couple of thousand employees whilst the smallest a couple of hundred. 

Recently it has begun planning for expansion into the Mars and Asteroid Belts at the request of the corporate councils. With sites estimated to require an additional several thousand people.


Outside of Loralus Crater, Triton Minerals has small holdings in the tundra of Greenland. They have several small mining extraction facilities in the Sub-Sahara region. Also recently Triton has been awarded claims in the asteroid belts and on the surface of Mars.


Triton Minerals Security Division, provides the Corporation with its police, security and military forces. The security division comprises approximately five thousand personnel spread between the 3 elements.  

The Police element of the Security Division only operates in Loralus Crater, the home city of the Corporation. It comprises of about two hundred personnel trained in policing, riot and crowd control duties. It is also the smallest of the 3 sub divisions. Its officers are usually lightly armed and armoured, not requiring heavier armaments and armor. If heavier equipment or support is required they can call on members of the other sub-divisions.

The Security sub-division is the largest body of the military forces available by the Corporation. They are provided better training, better equipment, arms and armour. Security staff provide guarding of site facilities, transports. Security also acts as a rapid reaction force to assist the Police sub-division with Loralus Crater.

The Guard sub-division is about five hundred strong. The guard division are extremely well trained and provided the best equipment and weaponry. The Guards primary duty is to protect the Corporate Directors and the Headquarters in addition to any of the Corporations black operations as required.

Founding Date
Terra, 2003
Corporation, Mining/Resources
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Major Exports
Iron, Platinum, Gold, Silver as well as an abundance of rare earth metals and minerals.

Legislative Body
The legislation within Corporate Holdings is the Corporate Rules. They are managed by Corporate bureaucrats within the structures of the corporates holdings and divisions.

Judicial Body
Corporate Security is responsible for enforcing the laws within Corporate Holdings, acting as police for the Corporation.

Executive Body
Rules are made by the Board of Directors within the Corporation. Local additions and measures may be added by site directors or administrators. 

Controlled Territories