Neme Character in Horizon's Hook | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Neme)

Neme is one of the main characters of Map of the Woods. His title is The Tamer, and he doesn't share his surname nor his equivalent for some time.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lithe and quick in action. A bit scrawny and usually moving with precision, but not very strong.

Special abilities

Neme is one of the town's best animal magic users, despite his young age. He takes care of many cats and has unknowingly limited the stray cat population in town, as most now live near him in the woods. He cares greatly for each and appears somewhat cat-like due to his dependence on them. Neme does not have a single familiar, but rather is connected to cats as a whole, and derives most of his powers and energy from them. Besides his controlled abilities, Neme can eat raw meat, climb and run with much ease, see at night, and see limited colors. Most of his symbols benefit him directly, such as creating 'claws', increasing jump height, and sensing others.   However, Neme must carry around or be near at least one cat in order to keep his energy. When derived of a familiar for more than about 2 hours, Neme collapses from exhaustion. He rarely reaches this point alone.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Neme is a young boy who lives somewhere in the woods with his cats. He doesn't like to associate with many people for long and goes into the town only to take small jobs and buy essentials. Neme has worked a variety of temporary jobs, most of them requiring little interaction with other people or focusing on caring for animals. Despite this, he doesn't consider himself to have much talent.   Neme notably doesn't share his past nor his equal's identity openly. If questioned, he either refuses to respond or says he's a forest spirit.   MAJOR spoilers
Neme is actually the son of Thalassa Thomas and Okeanos Collins, thus making him Ollie Thomas' human equal. He was raised with his equal human by their mother and father.    Neme was very fond of his mother and was often recognized as very sensitive and cautious as a child. His father ignored Neme's sensitive nature and encouraged him to toughen up. Okeanos' more aggressive attitude and perspective frightened Neme and made him retreat into himself. Neme avoided people and stayed with his cats to avoid being the receiving end of Okeanos' anger.   Eventually, Okeanos died and Thalassa left with her children to reside at Nueven. Neme didn't take the sudden changes well and became extremely paranoid of Nishiki and Akari, especially when Thalassa moved to the Florist Shop. Even when other kids moved in, Neme rarely interacted with them. He ran off about one year before the story begins and has been living in the woods ever since.

Gender Identity

Neme uses he/him pronouns.
Current Location
About 14 years old.
Current Residence
Somewhere in the forests of Nueven.
Hazel to brown.
Very messy and dark brown. Usually tied back in a ponytail.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Somewhat pale cream color.
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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