Sildar Hallwinter Character in Hott Rolls | World Anvil
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Sildar Hallwinter

Sildar Hallwinter is a retired soldier and sellsword who hails from the city of Neverwinter. He is a loyal member of the Lords’ Alliance, a political organization that unites the various free cities and towns of the North.   Sildar had met Gundren Rockseeker in Neverwinter and agreed to accompany him back to Phandalin. Sildar wanted to investigate the fate of Iarno Albrek, a human wizard and fellow member of the Lords’ Alliance who disappeared shortly after arriving in Phandalin. Sildar hoped to learn what had happened to Iarno, assist Gundren in reopening the old mine, and help restore Phandalin to a civilized center of wealth and prosperity.   Instead Sildar and Gundren were kidnapped by goblins and taken to Cragmaw Hideout . The party rescued Sildar moments from his death. They took him to Phandalin where the party found that Iarno was not missing, and instead was now going by the name Glasstaff. The evil mage was controlling a local gang called the Redbrands, who the party defeated.   Sildar has been an ally to the party since his rescue.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Holds a place of honor in the famous griffon cavalry of the great city of Waterdeep
Lawful Good
Current Location
Current Residence
The Townmaster's Hall
Aligned Organization

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