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Demon Species

Picture shows the Queen's interpretation of a Blood Blocker
Below is an abridged, publically available version of the Demon handbook the The Queen has forced all high-ranking members of the council and her Royal Guard to read. Based on her knowledge of Demons. This is still somewhat controversial, considering that there is no actual proven evidence they exist and certainly no credible proof from first-hand sources. Most witness accounts are from the homeless or destitute, claiming their best friend was taken by a green-scarred monster or other such nonsense.   A further complication arises when descriptions of demons could just as easily be applicable to the undead Ofrak. A species on Lendor that is comprised of the Light and not demon Darkness.   Within this handbook we have included pictures of demons the Queen drew with the aid of her famed artists. Please read the descriptions of each demon for more details.    

Gallery threat level explained - Descending though Esh:

  In simple terms, the further you descend into the gallery the deadlier the demons become.   Each demon is given 2 rankings:
  1. A class rating using 1 to 5 stars to visually represent the Threat level of that demon. A 4-star demon (AKA a Class 4 demon) is always deadlier than a 3-star (AKA a Class 3 demon.)
  2. A T-rating of 1 to 5: The higher the T-rating, the stronger that demon within that class.

Class 1 to 2 Demon's Gallery


Types of demons:


Quasi-Demons - Class 1 Parasites and Minions:

  1.) An Essence Leech: A disgusting demon leech that weakens enemies by draining their light powers. (See Gallery)   2.) A Skin crawler: A thumbnail-sized mite that burrows in and out of the skin, causing pain and making it difficult for auraless hosts to catch and kill the nasty little thing. (See Gallery)   3.) A Parasitic Worm: A white, mucus-bloated worm that enters small to mid-sized animals, turning them into mindless aggressive beasts. (See Gallery)   4.) The Lifeless: Any beings whose light has been detached but their vessel remains alive are paralysed and need their light reattached to function as mindful beings again. (Normally due to Specter demons or demon mist) (See Gallery)   5.) A Demon Minion: Any being whose mind has been controlled by a demon possessor is classified as a minion. Strong-willed individuals can resist a possessor. (See Gallery)    

Demonic Animals

  Animal-based Necromancers or parasitic worms corrupt nature's light to grow their demonic army.   1. Demon Mounts: These animals have been corrupted for upper-tier demons to ride.   2. Demon Beasts: These animals have been corrupted to attack lower-ranked enemies.   3. Demon followers: These animals are created as loyal demon pets that protect their master and attack when called upon.    

Class 1 to 2 Demons: Lesser or Scurge minors

  Alphabetical order (See gallery for exact threat rating):  
  1. Bloaters: A frightening blood-stained obese demon that is slow-moving but takes a lot of damage and, once close, explodes in a noxious gas that can kill or blind low-ranking enemies. They can never ascend because their whole purpose is to die as a ball of evil gas. (See Gallery)
    Threat: **
  2. Coblin: a very common, waist-high, agile little demon that runs around the battlefield screaming ferociously whilst being a total nuisance, distracting enemies by biting knees and jumping on their backs. A hard kick is enough to break their fragile bones. (See Gallery)
    Threat: *
  3. Death Walkers: A demon created from various dead demons dismembered body parts – and live while a necromancer is close; otherwise, the last dark essence escapes the death walker, killing it.
    Threat: **
  4. Immolators: These rotund individuals charge enemies and then explode in a ball of fire when close enough to cause maximum carnage. They can also amputate their own body parts with their hatchet weapon and toss these pieces to explode like fire cocktails. (See Gallery)
    Threat: **
  5. Jailers: A lesser demon that works in a demon jail monitoring prisoners and frequently causing physical or mental harm to its inmates. (See Gallery)
    Threat: *
  6. Maniacs: A deranged, unpredictable demon that runs around doing random things, attacking enemies and even its own kind. They never live long enough to become ascended versions of themselves. (See Gallery)
    Threat: *
  7. Narcotic Fiends: These female-shaped demons release an odourless gas that places auraless beings into extreme states of arousal and mental weakness. Making them susceptible to doing acts of self-harm like extreme drugs/sex/suicide, etc. (See Gallery)
    Threat: *
  8. Paralysers: Fast, agile demons whose horrific bite will leave the affected body parts paralysed and eventually decay. (See Gallery)
    Threat: **
  9. Possessors: These demons are armourless with no fighting prowess and prefer to possess weak beings, bending them to their will.
    Threat: **
  10. Screamers: These Demons unleash a terrifying ear-splitting scream that distracts the enemy and scares Auraless enemies into a panic. It also alerts higher-tier demons to the location. (See Gallery)
    Threat: *
  11. Sin Eaters: These low-level scurge demons are bullies that prefer to feed on weaker, tainted civilians than the stronger light-based warriors. (See Gallery)
    Threat: *
  12. Skinwalkers: These demons shape their bodies into enemies and walk amongst them. They are not martially trained, so they spy and report their findings to the demon general in charge of the attack. (See Gallery)
    Threat: *
  13. Specters: These enlightened demon mists refuse to absorb light essence, thus never becoming a demon husk and prefer living its short life, detaching Soul Lights from as many vessels as possible to create the Lifeless. (Summoners can also awaken Specters to their cause) (See Gallery)
    Threat: *
  14. Sporers: An obese female-shaped demon scurge that attaches spores from its puss-ridden hands, which decay skin, releasing more spores on the unfortunate victim. (See Gallery)
    Threat: **
  15. Temptress: A female-based demon specialising in luring men to their deaths. They appear as a beautiful woman and convince lustful men to remove their clothes, and then their true nature appears as sharp fangs and razor-sharp claws rip apart the unsuspecting victim.
    Threat: *
  16. Torturers: A sadistic demon with average hand-to-hand fighting ability that feeds on the extreme pain it inflicts with its claws and teeth on weak Auraless victims. (See Gallery)
    Threat: *
  17. Toxic Marauders: A demon covered in poisoned toxic spikes which, just a touch, can paralyse or kill auraless beings. These opportunistic creatures love to charge at large groups of humans, slicing many of them with their sharp, deadly spikes. (See Gallery)
    Threat: **

Class 3 to 4 Demons: Scurge Level to Skurge Lords

      Alphabetical order (See gallery for exact threat rating):
  1. Beheaders: These powerfully built demons are highly durable fighters specialising in one-hit kills. They focus on beheading or splitting the stomach in half with their mighty obsidian swords. Their only weakness is poor stamina.
    Threat: ****
  2. (See gallery)
  3. Berserkers: These demons get stronger and more vicious after getting wounded and must be killed quickly before they grow too strong. They begin as Riktus-like with large horns, but as they kill and increase their wounds, they evolve into hardened carapaces and grow spikes to become more and more demonic looking. (See gallery)
    Threat: ***
  4. Blood Blockers: Tall and long-limbed, giving them a distinct reach advantage to use their dark hand ability, which causes blood clots in Aurae enemy's bodies - stopping them breathing or bursting brain blood cells. (See header picture)
    Threat: ***
  5. Blood Lusters: These close-range hand-to-hand combat demons absorb light, weakening their enemies every time their ridiculously long arms touch their enemy's skin. (See Gallery)
    Threat: ***
  6. Corruptors: Their attacks come from short organic blades embedded into their forearms that target limbs and paralyse when slicing through skin. They also use their sharp claws to shred through armour and rip through stomachs. (See Gallery)
    Threat: ***
  7. Dark Minds: These demons are powerful Scurge Lords with a dark aura that terrifies Auraless enemies into paralysis and possess exceptional fighting skills to match even the best Aurae practitioners. (See Gallery)
    Threat: ****
  8. Drainers: These close-range demons use their powerful legs to pounce on the back of their enemy and bite down on their neck to drain their blood and light essence. (See Gallery)
    Threat: ***
  9. Executioners: These well-armoured, battle-hardened, close combat specialists target mid-level Aurae users with their large double-handed axes or two dual-handed axes. They are slow but incredibly durable warriors. (See Gallery)
    Threat: ****
  10. Mental Polluters: Physically weak, female-shaped demons that stay far from the battlefield, mind-controlling auraless beings to get them to mutilate their own bodies. (See Gallery)
    Threat: ***
  11. Mind Tormentors: These demons have huge craniums, providing them with enhanced mental abilities as they enter the minds of Auraless beings to drive them mad with fear or control their movements. They are below-average close combat fighters preferring to hide at the back of battles, protected by the more durable Executioners, Tyrants and Beheaders. (See Gallery)
    Threat: ***
  12. Mutilators: These vicious, agile demons amputate enemies' body parts with a long sword to leave them to die from blood loss. (See Gallery)
    Threat: ***
  13. Necromancers: These reanimate fallen demons by piecing together various dead parts of other demons to create death walkers. (See Gallery)
    Threat: ***
  14. Necromancer (Animals): They turn animals into demon pets that protect this Necromancer from harm whilst picking off weaker enemies. (See Gallery)
    Threat: ***
  15. Ogres: Scurge lord level demons. Huge, mighty beasts that are exceptionally tough to kill with a green-skinned appearance closer to a massive Riktus than a demon. They possess incredible durability but are very slow and prefer to target big groups rather than lone enemies. They weld vast club-based weapons to bludgeon their enemy's defences. They are not the most reliable demons and act in their own accordance, sometimes even ignoring the enemy. For this reason, they are not used as front-line warriors but are placed on bridges to stop an attacked village from fleeing. (See Gallery)
    Threat: ****
  16. Pain Mongers: Chunky demons that work in prisons under the guidance of a Slotherer; they carry impaling weapons to cause maximum pain to their prisoners.
    Threat: ***
  17. Relentors: Scurge lord level with endless stamina, tough durability and exceptional speed that live for the battle. Almost human-like in appearance, they scan a battlefield to choose the deadliest foe to attack. They will ignore all other enemies to focus on killing this one warrior. They are the closest to an honourable Demon you can find as they refuse to use weapons against their foe, instead preferring to land the killing blow with the same weapon their enemy welds. They never revel in victory, preferring to move on to the next most potent target. (See Gallery)
    Threat: ****
  18. Summoners: These female-shaped demons regularly summon spectres to paralyse their enemies into becoming the Lifeless. (See Gallery)
    Threat: ***
  19. Tyrants: These burly demons are Scurge or higher level. They are hand-to-hand specialists who hate armour or weapons, preferring to use their super-human strength and recovery abilities. They try to find a fire source to set themselves alight and then use their great physical might to hold onto their enemies, burning them alive. (See Gallery)
    Threat: ***

Class 5 Demons: Esh minor to Esh Lord

  Alphabetical order (See gallery for exact threat rating):  
  1. Behemoth: An ascended Ogre at least 4 times bigger with increased intelligence and incredibly durable skin that targets big groups but is very slow and ponderous in attack. They can grow to well over 20 feet in size. Weapon of choice: A nearby broken tree or Stone slab.
    Threat: *****
  2. Blood Blocker Ascended: A more evolved version of the standard blood blocker can cause blood clots in Sorce enemies' bodies, stopping them from breathing or bursting blood cells like brains. No weapons used. Only needs a touch of its hands.
    Threat: *****
  3. Deathstroker: An ascended Beheader with greater endurance that withstands incredible damage with organic augmented armour from its kills. Weapon of choice: Any bladed weapon it can get its hand on. The longer, the better.
    Threat: *****
  4. Harbinger of Death: Esh minor demons that target high-level Sorce / Aurae targets – exceptionally technical fighters that can rapidly take down a team of enemies. Weapon of choice: Twin blades.
    Threat: *****
  5. Executioner Ascended: A more powerful variant of the standard executioner with increased endurance and speed, allowing them to target high-value Sorce enemies.
    Threat: *****
  6. Mind Tormentor ascended: An Esh demon level that controls the minds of any Aurae enemy, turning them against their allies.
    Threat: *****
  7. Necromancer Ascended: A more powerful necromancer that can now reanimate dead auraless enemies and control their vessels.
    Threat: *****
  8. Pain Abyss: A sentient prison with the soul of a demon. A dark nothingness that mentally torments its inhabitants to madness, self-harm and eventually suicide. Some ascended Pain Mongers can become an abyss. A Pain Abyss doesn't use weapons, preferring to manipulate traps to capture foolish heroes that enter their domain.
    Threat: *****
  9. Relentor Ascended: A far stronger and more resistant variant of the standard Relentor who only targets single enemies
    Threat: *****
  10. Slotherer: When an upper Esh demon becomes too fat and lazy, it becomes a Slotherer. They were all once renowned aura killers but have become indolent, preferring the easier and less dangerous prison warden role: feeding off the pain of their inmates. Slotherers have mastered mind control, making hand-to-hand combat redundant. (See Gallery)
    Threat: *****
  11. The Dread: An ascended version of a Dark Mind whose menacing aura and appearance terrifies Aurae or lower enemies for easy kills.
    Threat: *****
  12. Tyrant Ascended A standard tyrant but now with even more incredible strength and recovery abilities, making them a formidable harbinger of death.
    Threat: *****

Related Reading:

Steps to Esh
Demon Cycle

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