Achromos, more commonly know as colorless is a condition that can happen to a The Luxum at birth and they are revered to as the Colorless. The Colorless are a singularity with in Luxum. They have either white, grey or black hair. The Origin of these Luxum are unknown, but what is know is that they are special. Their connection to the Lux is first broken at birth, but eventually it reconnects. This can have catastrophic consequences or the colorless might not even notice.
After reconnecting the colorless doesn't have a elemental Lux anymore. Most of the time it will still use a property of its original form, but sometime it is something completely else.
Most of the Luxum fear these powers and are disgusted with the fact that they don't have colors. Because of this the colorless are highly discriminated against and often don't have a place in society. There are exeptions though. A lot of lords within the Luxum ranks have a colorless in their court. this is purely because of their powers and even thought they have the lords protection it still isn't a pretty life.
Therefore most colorless flee to Tenebri-silvam. No one has ever found settlement or colorless in the forest (and lived to tell the tale), but many believe they are still out there living there own solitude lives.
Transmission & Vectors
It is not know where the condition came from or what causes it to happen. The chance of color happens without a known cause and can happen to literately anybody within the Luxum. It is also possible for the colorless to bear a colored child, but this is even less likely that for a colorless to be born.
Black, white or silver hair.
More rarely black, white or silver eyes.
A special from of Lux, which is know as Achromos Lux .
The connection to Lux gets broken some time after birth and gets reconnected later as Achromos Lux.
Affected Groups
It is not know when the Colorless started apearing,but it is commonly believed Luxius was a colorless and with that is the only colorless ruler in the The Luxum history and the first Colorless recorded in history. Yet this has never been proven and some say it was only a ruse to create more acceptance towards the Colorless.
Chronic, Congenital
Extremely Rare
Affected Species
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