Gorf Hasart

If you plug your nose, it's honestly kind of cute!
~Libra Eugnot
The Gorf Hasart is the first viable variation of the Gorf Da'ot family to come from the Gorf Initiative. Originally, it was thought to have too many mutations from the original to be a success; however, it quickly proved doubters wrong.

Physical Features

  • Large eyes that are mostly pupil
  • Long, slender, almost feline tail
  • Four sharp, venomous teeth for piercing and tearing.
  • Long tongue that projects out quickly
  • Amphibious skin with an odor to it
  • Total of 6 legs
  • Skin comes in shades of green and purple

From Death to Life

At first, the Gorf Hasart was thought to be very fragile and easily killed. They would either refuse to eat or bury their food and dig it up days later before eating it. With time and experimentation, it was realized that these Gorf prefer rotting food and would rather starve than eat fresh or live food. Unlike other gorf, they did not hunt bugs or small fish. As they matured and ate more rotting food, they began to smell like the rot they were consuming. Initially, Libra thought they could use the gorf just to help reduce food and plant waste. This use was not particularly amazing, but it was a use nonetheless. With time, it was discovered that when the gorfs would pass their own waste, it was a perfect compost for gardens and farming. It is better than any manure or fertilizer, and is what makes the Gardens in Harmony so vibrant and healthy. Currently, one can purchase a small amount of the waste when there is extra, but the government hopes to breed many many more, so every farming family can have their own gorf hasart.
Get on the waiting list for your own smelly waste producer today!!!

Gorf Kor
Species | Jul 25, 2024

Knowledge on Gorf Kors is limited due to being a newly "discovered" gorf variety.

Gorf Da'ot
Species | Jul 25, 2024

Baby Gorfs enjoy nibbling on whatever plants they can find nearby,

Gorf Klis
Species | Jul 25, 2024

First, they tried to use the drool and slime in packs to cushion valuables while traveling.

(more coming soon)
Conservation Status
We need to breed more!
Primary form of defense against predators
Running away and/or climbing a tree
Primary method of obtaining food
Scavenging and rummaging through trash.
Average Weight:
10-15 pounds
Average Hieght:
20 inches
Average lifespan:
15-20 years*
Leading Cause of Death:

Gorf Hasart

Small gorfs, critter, unaligned
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 35 ( 5d10+5 )
Speed 35ft Swim: 35ft Climb: 35ft

11 0
14 +2
15 +2
5 -3
5 -3
10 0

Damage Resistances poison, necrotic
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 10
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Standing Leap: The Gorf long jump is up to 20 feet and its high jump is up to 15 feet, with or without a running start.
Noxious fumes: When within 10 foot of the Gorf Hasart the smell it emites causes disadvantage on concentration rolls.


Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage plus 5 (1d10) poison damage.
Bad Lick: The Gorf Hasart attempts to grapple the target (DC12 dex save). Until this grapple ends (escape DC 13), the creature is restrained, and the Gorf can't constrict another target.
Icky Tummy: Gorf Hasart vomits up an acidic pile of rotting food and launches at target. Succesful hit does 2D4 acid damage


Gorf Hasart

Cities, swamps, forest, farms, desert

Libra Recordings - the Gorf Initiative
Document | Jul 25, 2024

The writings of Libra on the Gorf Initiative


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