Gorf Kor

What? Did we lose a gorf? Who said we lost a gorf? We didn't lose a gorf. We just misplaced it temporarily.
~Libra Eugnot
Knowledge on Gorf Kors is limited due to being a newly “discovered” gorf variety. They do not glow like the popular Gorf Da'ot, and they can't live in water once they are fully mature. I am sure the Gorf Initiative the Libra are carrying out will find a good use for them…if they can find them.

Physical Features

All fully grown gorf kor have a few key things in common with each other.
  • Large eyes that are mostly pupil
  • Sturdy Shell they can fully retract into
  • Four toes on their front legs and three on their hind legs.
  • Thick, short tail that helps them balance to sit upright
  • Four sharp, venomous teeth for piercing and tearing.
  • long tongue that projects out quickly
Baby gorf kor are born with ear-holes, no shell, no teeth and mostly blind. They also are born without hind legs, but instead have a tail with eight micro-tails attached to the end. Despite looking like baby gorf da'ot, they do not glow like them.  

Not Supposed to be Wild

As far as anyone knows, Gorf Kor do not exist in the wild. However, the first gorf kor disappeared and was never recovered. Since then, they are occasionally found in the wild. They are superb at hiding, using their shell as a way to blend in with large rocks. Once, Libra Eugnot thought one escaped until a week later when he realized one of the rocks in his “harmony garden” moved across the yard. Even if a gorf kor is discovered, their shell is like built-in armor that is near impenetrable. They also weigh 3-4 times more than their gorf brethren, making them less desirable to predators. Once, during her lunch break, Brizlina of Fennec was almost killed when a gorf kor fell from the sky and almost landed on her head. Her lunch was not as lucky, as the gorf landed on top of it and broke her favorite picnic table. She assumes a large bird got tired of carrying the heavy burden.

If you see a gorf kor, please let the local authorities know! They belong back in Harmony!

Gorf Da'ot
Species | Jul 25, 2024

Baby Gorfs enjoy nibbling on whatever plants they can find nearby,

Gorf Klis
Species | Jul 25, 2024

First, they tried to use the drool and slime in packs to cushion valuables while traveling.

Gorf Hasart
Species | Jul 25, 2024

At first, the Gorf Hasart was thought to be very fragile and easily killed.

(more coming soon)
Gorf Kor
Conservation Status
We only made one! Why are there more?!
Primary form of defense against predators
Hiding in their rock hard shell
Primary method of obtaining food
Using long, projecting tongue to snatch prey from the air or water.
Loves to snack on veggies.
Average Weight:
20-30 pounds
Average Hieght:
15 inches
Average lifespan:
15-20 years*
Leading Cause of Death:
falling into water and drowing (they don't float),
*without magical intervention.

Gorf Kor

Small gorfs, critter, unaligned
Armor Class 18
Hit Points 35 ( 5d10+5 )
Speed 20ft Burrow: 10ft Climb: 10ft

14 +2
9 -1
15 +2
4 -3
5 -3
13 +1

Damage Resistances fire, cold, and bludgeoning
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 10
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Standing Leap: The Gorf Kor's long jump is up to 20 feet and its high jump is up to 15 feet, with or without a running start.
Always comfy: The Gorf Kor is unphased by temperature changes.


Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage plus 5 (1d10) poison damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 13). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the Gorf Da'ot can't bite another target.
Bad Lick: The Gorf Kor attempts to grapple the target (DC12 dex save). Until this grapple ends (escape DC 13), the creature is restrained, and the Gorf Da'ot can't constrict another target.
Hide me: Gorf Kor Hides in their Shell gains 10 temp HP points. and +1 AC. Last until they perform another action or they move.


Gorf Kor

Cities, Mountains, Plains, Forests

Libra Recordings - the Gorf Initiative
Document | Jul 25, 2024

The writings of Libra on the Gorf Initiative


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