
(a.k.a. Brindlesnap)

This entry is written with the assistance of Jaq H.
"What are you going to call me?" The small Allium girl asks. Talo rubs her chin, humming long and loud.
"You'll need a name that anyone can call you. A name that people can know you by. A ranger's greatest asset in this profession is the word of mouth and it'll hurt you greatly if you have too many different ones." Talo gives the girl a leveled look.
"That said, you should be the one pick that name out." Now it's the girl's turn to rub her chin and mimic Talo.
"Is there one that comes to mind?" Talo asks as she looks across the forest clearing. The girl considers, still stroking her chin. Then Talo sees a light bloom behind the Girl's eyes.
"I know!" The girl says.
"That was quick. What is it?" Talo Perks up. The girl smiles and stands up to her full height on the log.
"It's --"
  • Chives Backstory Stories, Jaq. H.
  • Mental characteristics


    Educated in the ways of the natural world, hunting, survival and medicine by the great ranger Talo Riverbend, Chives spent many of her formative years in the northern forests and mountains and grasslands of Deren. When she was eighteen Chives left the Allium with Talo to travel south through the Splintered Peaks and into the northern parts of the Blasted Lands. Talo left young Chives to fend for herself for an entire springtide season in the vast expanse of desert. After 120 days and nights Talo returned to find the young Gnome having befriended several Sand Possums. Chives had struck a deal with the possums to defend their nest from Asps in return for the locations of water and food. Chive's method of survival was unorthodox to be sure, but Talo was pleased to see that her young ward was unharmed.

    Accomplishments & Achievements

    Chives served with The Heroes of the Valley from 3519 to 3521 and was instrumental in the rescue of the Lizardfolk from the Valley of So'Thoth, the cessation of the troubled nights in Riverweld with the defeat of the vampire Rodarian Ling, re-discovery of the forgotten temple of Ravan, and the defeats of Commander Greenwhisper and General Lightbringer of the Ferdir Ah' Dain during the Battle for the Azmar Valley.


    To Chives, and many Gnomes of the Allium the refusal of a gift is a faux pas bordering on deeply offensive.

    Personality Characteristics


    Guided by typical Allium Gnomish curiosity to see and understand the greater world, Chives is only one of the first to accept that calling. In her decision to become a ranger, she’s led by the fact her father, Chervil cut his living in the same trade. Chives' main motivation is her friends and other members of the Allium. Her loyalty is strong and she’d support them in any way she can. Overall, she values the bonds with her friends and experiences she makes with them, both good and bad.



    Impulsive, enthusiastic, naïve, with her heart on her sleeve, chives always assumes the best of people and assumes an easy friendship with everyone she meets. She's very curious, like many other gnomes, so she'll ask anything as soon as it pops into her head. However, once she has made up her mind or made a decision Chives stubbornness is very hard to dissuade.

    Wealth & Financial state

    Despite her apparent lack of understanding for commerce and currency, Chives gained a considerable amount of material wealth during her time adventuring with The Heroes of the Valley. So much so, that her personal finances allow her to conduct herself in any lifestyle she chooses. However, Chives finds herself most happy giving her money to those who need it.
    Neutral Good
    Current Status
    Leader of the Allium
    Current Location
    Year of Birth
    3499 AF 25 Years old
    Large, Hazel
    Short and brown, Sometimes worn in two small braids.
    2' 10"
    Aligned Organization

    Character Portrait image: by Toni Gill