
"The sun has begun its journey across the sky in Riverweld. Rocked by forces from across Lake Matsaya and deep beneath the waters, the people of the floating city have grown accustomed to change, but they can always count upon the oppressive heat that comes with sunrise." - Riverweld town council, pilot season.   Riverweld is one of the most strategically important settlements on in the cotenant of Deren. Located on the world's equator a floating city in the center of Lake Matsayathe city pulses with oppressive heat and humidity. With no roads to speak of the city's structures float on the water connected to each other with a series of foot bridges and small docks. Canals crisscross the different districts of the city ferrying workers, nobles, and goods to market.


The city is predominantly Inhabited by humans who come from the Po Lai Straight, Jangala and the The Tressian Plateau. Riverweld also hosts a diverse population of Ravenite-halflings, Dun Bok dwarves and half-elves.


Over the last several years with the routing of the Lark Society by the Fa Clan and the clan's suspicious midnight abandonment of the city, the people of Riverweld have begun to build their own government.   At one point, the city attempted to use an ad-hoc town counsel of regional representatives to create a new set of rules. Their successes have been few, so far. However, as their efforts gain momentum, many believe they could become a regional power if outside interests are kept at bay.


The city is protected from adverse weather by a series of spells that are woven across the city. These spells are powered and supported by several towers that are located in the different districts of the city.

Industry & Trade

While Riverweld is able to produce enough food for most of its citizens internally, it's location between Emser, Dun Bok and the Po Lai straight make it a massive trading port. The western district of the city houses the majority of the commercial docks that serve the city. Ships must pay a modest docking fee and pay taxes on any goods sold or purchased while in the city.


Due to its location in the middle of a lake Riverweld does not have any traditional roads. They do have an abundance of fresh water which means they are able to build large farming beds that grow crops year round. The water in and around the city isn't clean enough to drink due to all the waste that is consistently dumped into the city. This means that water purification stations are placed every few blocks throughout the city to provide fresh drinking water to whoever needs it. Wealthy residents of the city have indoor fresh water plumbing.


Oriate District (Northern district): Made up of residents of the Dwarven Oriate Guild. The Guild has recently renewed trade with the new provincial government of RiverWeld. The Northern section is ornately carved and crafted from wood and it is extremely well maintained. The docks are clean but very old. Most of the older homes are still on stilts to protect them from the flooding that occurred before the Arcanum perfected it’s severe weather protection. The older the home the higher off the docks it will be placed.

Promenade (Central District): Home of the main promenade dock in Riverweld. A wealthy district full of expensive shops, city government buildings and expensive houses.

Hell's Galley (Southern district): The poor district of the city, Hell's Galley is home to several criminal organizations that police their canals independently of the Riverweld's town guard.

Sterling Shores: A stone ziggurat protruding from the waters of Lake Matsaya. The structure is not connected on the surface to any other part of Riverweld. Its ancient stones stand against the crashing waves and keep the cities most violent criminals locked away. This structure predates the city itself.

Dockyard (West District): Home to the cities commercial docks and warehouses. The largest ships can dock here due to the long piers and deep waters.


A revised history of the Floating City can be found in the History of Riverweld 3rd Edition .

Points of interest

Northern district landmarks:
Beardsly’s: Home to Svava and her son Sven. Beardsly’s has been run in Riverweld for the last two hundred years. It’s home to some of the best (or worst if you’re not a dwarf) dwarven cuisine in the city. Svava spent the first hundred and fifty years of Beardsly’s life perfecting the recipe for her curried octopus. They also serve a dwarven "delicacy" called sugar seaweed stew. The stew requires a constitution save (DC14 to not be sickened for 1D4 hours) but not for dwarves.

Northern Control Pillar: The Arcanum’s northern pillar is surrounded by the Oriate guild warehouse center. This pillar covers the Oriate guild district with the Arcanum’s protection from foul weather. The pillar is well maintained.
Eastern district landmarks:
Sterling shores: the prison that is located just off shore of Riverweld. It is built around the south east pilon and is physically disconnected from Riverweld. The phrase “Don’t wash up on the shores” is meant to imply “Don’t go to jail.” A large Ziggurat constructed out of stone that disappears deep into the waters of Lake Matsaya. During The Troubles, the Heroes of the Valley were able to defeat a powerful vampire, Roderian Ling, who had been imprisoned deep in a hidden cell. Currently the city uses Sterling Shores to house one to two hundred prisoners. The Lark Society still supports control of the prison despite withdrawing all other troops in the city.

Eastern control Pillar: Located at the center of the "Yard" of Sterling Shores prison this control tower protects the ancient ziggurat from severe weather. This pillar is larger than the other control pillars located around the city and is well maintained by a rotation of prison laborers.

Western district landmarks:

The Oddity: A sinking building that may have been a pub at one point. The outside of the building looks shoddily made from dark wood, glass windows, moss growing on the side and appears to have almost its entire structure sunken beneath the city's water except for the shabby peaked roof. Candles are stuck to different surfaces on the exterior alerting passers by that, despite appearances, the structure is occupied and people seem to swim in and out of it from time to time.

Guard Barracks: A building with several internal docks that allow for multiple fast boat deployments. There are several ways to enter the facility from the water. And two street based entrances. At any given time there are four boats patrolling the neighborhoods with two guards each.

The Leaning Soldier:
A small three story inn that was once the favored rest spot of Fa Clan sailors who visited Riverweld. The Leaning Soldier offers passable food with no particular specialty. The inn currently is undergoing renovations from a fire that started under mysterious circumstances.

Western Control Pillar: The Arcanum's western pillar is placed among the bustling docks of the city's commercial district. This pillar keeps Riverweld's docks and the ships safe from dangerous weather. This pillar is dirty but well maintained.

Southern district landmarks:
School of the radiant dragon: An abandoned martial arts school.

The Corvid House: A defunct shipping warehouse that was an original construction by the Oriate guild. One of the few stone structures in Riverweld that is outside of the control of the guild or the Arcanum. Previously occupied by a murder of Kenku that were removed by the Flames of Emser the Splendid Fist gang has now taken control of the warehouse and are using it for unknown but suspicious purposes.

Southern control pillar: The southern pillar is located in the midst of Riverweld's poorest district. The citizens rely upon the tower to protect their homes and families from severe weather. Due to its location deep within Splendid fist territory the pillar is not well maintained by Arcanum experts but is patched together by different members of the Hell's Galley community.

Central district landmarks:
The Arcanum Tower: The largest library in Jangala and the mage training circle in the city. The Arcanum is responsible for maintaining the magic that allows Riverweld to stay afloat during severe weather.   Godann’s Tea Shop (Currently Closed): A tea shop run by a bard and former adventurer. The shop is currently closed and home to a large family of lake otters.   Market Hall: Home to the majority of the markets in the city. Some of the more luxurious homes are located here but it is predominantly home to inns and shops.   Valor Gardens: Designed by the Oriate guild as a memorial. The park is located to the south of the district directly across from the Arcanum tower. The Valor Gardens are a clean area with no vendors allowed but the occasional one sneaks in. Many of the cities unhoused spend their days here. The park is kept up by the taxes from the markets and vendors throughout the city. The gardens are so named for the early dwarves and humans that died to protect early Riverweld from pirates. Each person who died in those early years has a tree or plant area in the park. (Jodus Hillgrogs mother has a southern parch bark located there for when she was killed during a pirate raid.)   The Saucy Serpent: The largest and most luxurious inn in the city is frequented by wealthy traveling merchants. It’s delicacy is called the "Lake Puff". A fluffy pastry filled with scallop chowder.


Each district of the city reflects the culture of its inhabitants. As the history of Riverweld is steeped in Dwarven and Human cooperation the buildings throughout the city reflect the different architectural styles. The northern district is a remarkable example of dwarven engineering with available materials. As dwarves typically work in stone, it is a rare instance of intricate but sturdy woodcarving throughout the district.
Founding Date
1819 AF
Alternative Name(s)
The Floating City
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Characters in Location
Riverweld City Map
A wayfinding map of the floating city, Riverweld. Each district is labeled for categorization. Important points of interest are easily located for the reader's convenience.

Articles under Riverweld