History of Riverweld 3rd Edition

Updated to include the most current historical events in the floating city. The history of Riverweld is a record of the most significant events that have shaped the docks and canals of this cosmopolitan ocean city.  - Aurelian Augustus, 7th of Their Name


A consistently revised recording of the history of Riverweld. Initially undertaken by the historian Aurelian Augustus, Fourth of Their Name as a request by The Arcanum, current editions have been revised by the latest generations of the family as a continuation of their family enterprise.

Document Structure

Publication Status

Copies of the 3rd and most current edition are available for public use at the Riverweld Arcanum Tower. Older editions are available in many other Arcanum outposts and towers around Huld.

Historical Details

Public Reaction

This book is commonly read by academics or cultural historians seeking insight into the history and people of the floating city. The book is accessible to the general public, however, its purpose and writing style lend it to more common academic use.
Manuscript, Historical
Authoring Date