
Lord of Battle, Glory, and Honor (a.k.a. The Horned God)

"Bruz seemed to fall forever, the surrounding nothing pulling away his breath as he tumbled through the darkness of this empty place. What had he done? Did he really think he could find Godann? Where was he? Then as if in answer to his question a voice echoed across his mind. The voice of his god thundered, Joth, Lord of Battle.   You who have known battle, tasted death, buried friend and foe alike. Your purpose is at hand.   Bruz could feel the emptiness around him grow warm as damp summer air filled his aching lungs. There was a light too, not enough to beat back the oppressive darkness that covered him but enough to see his own hands. He was covered in light. It flowed across him like water the color of sunshine, surrounding his arms and chest with arcs and valleys of liquid light. At once the light hardened and Bruz felt the weight of his new armor pulling him down through into the blackness. If he were able to see himself in the darkness the golden armor wrapped around him was terrifying in its glory. Curving spikes and gilded edges wrapping around his muscles to end atop his head in a magnificent helm crested with the horns of the Lord of Battle himself.   Bruz could see something now. The Holy light of his armor shining a path as he continued to fall. Below him he could see a writhing crowd of hooded figures. Their terrible mottled grey flesh seemed to pulsate together as though drawing one simultaneous breath at a time. Bruz drew a gleaming sword of light and thrust it before him as he fell.   This is the fight I brought you back for. He heard the Lord of battle roar in his mind. Now go and win it!   Bruz crashed into the mob of creatures like an oak tree cast into a river." - Heroes of the Valley, Season 7 Finale.

Divine Domains

Joth, the horned centaur is the god of Glory, Honor and Battle. His domains represent all things that a virtuous warrior should aspire to in action and thought.   Paladins of Joth often fight for causes that they deem as just or righteous for people or groups in need of defense. (Note from Joe: Paladins who follow Joth frequently choose the following Oaths: Oath of the Ancients, Oath of Glory, Oath of Devotion)   Clerics of Joth are often found on the frontlines of combat where they heal the wounded in order to help them continue their fight. (Clerics who follow Joth frequently choose the following: Life Domain, Forge Domain, War Domain)


Fractured Idols   Relics of the God of battle are rare, when they are found the apparent quality of the items are often poor due to their consistent use in battle. Oftentimes, any surviving relics are pieces of old weapons such as sword hilts are breastplates. These cast off pieces of battle paraphernalia are occasionally collected by clerics of Joth and re-forged into new weapons and returned to the battlefield. These weapons accumulate new pieces and histories through their continued use. As their list of bloody confrontations grows so do their powers. Some weapons are so attuned to battle that they seem to guide the hands of those who wield them. Other pieces of armor have been so punished they can absorb a deadly blow and break a foe's weapon. These Fractured Idols carry the history of all the bloody conflicts dedicated to Joth.   Helm of the Horned God   Battered, dented and steadfast the Helm of the Horned God was once a feared symbol of Holy protection on battlefields across Deren. The actual helm of the horned god was once worn by the Arch Paladin of the Temple of Joth and is considered a Sedai Artifact.

Holy Books & Codes

(Unnamed Tome)

  The (Unnamed Tome) is a collection of songs, battle tactics, poems and strategies used for large scale conflict. These teachings were first inscribed in the (Unnamed tome) during The War of the Breaking. While the original (Unnamed Tome) is lost to history, many temples have ancient transcriptions of single pages describing specific battle formations. Additionally, songs of battle and poems describing historical victories and defeats found in the pages are said to have divine power. It would be incorrect to assume that the tactics in the (unnamed tome) are of more value than the poems and songs. Morale on the battlefield is often just as valuable as the tactics that lead soldiers. Other inclusions within the pages of the (Unnamed Tome) are descriptions of the afterlife and descriptions of the Five Holy Codes of Battle.

Tenets of Faith

The principal moral codes that guide the followers of Joth are referred to as, The Five Holy Codes of Battle. These five precepts are considered to be evidence of a follower's mental, physical and emotional prowess.    


  A soldier's value lays in vows. Loyalty to one's word signs of Honor and moral fortitude. Glory won through treachery is no true Glory.  


When engaging a weaker opponent generosity must be afforded to allow for Honorable combat. No Glory is won by defeating a clearly inferior foe.  


Battle breeds treachery and spite. Only through just actions and deeds can Honor be preserved. Holding friend and foe to account is the demand of Honor.  


The rules of engagement must be abided by Honor. Allowances must be made to customs new and practices foreign. In the observance of difference, Glory is won through adaptability.  


An unvirtuous sword wounds the one that wields it. The shield of the virtuous defends the weak and Honors the sacrifice of those who fell in Battles past.


Dawn of Glory

When the first light of dawn breaks at the Mahina equinox at the 60th day of Summertide, the Dawn of Glory is celebrated by followers of Joth. The holiday begins with fasting from food and water and continues during the day with grueling contests of strength, cunning and virtue. When the sun sets a Paragon of Glory is crowned and given a token from any champions that were defeated during the contest. The fast is broken and the Paragon of Glory presides over a feast. Other titles are awarded such as: Paragon of Light and Paragon of Justice. Any adherent to Joth is welcome to participate in the festivities and can win the title of paragon as long as they do not break their fast.  

Night of Honor

As the last rays of light from Sogret leave the sky during Mani equinox at the 60th day of Winter the Night of Honor commences. Followers of the Horned God will recite tales of epic battles of fallen comrade's glory and sacrifice. This evening is free of alcohol or any other mind altering substance. Followers who partake of these substances during the Night of Honor are considered to have obscured the memories of their dead allies. Followers honor their departed friends with songs of their deeds and charitable works. Oftentimes the night's charitable works take the form of repairing the homes of sacked villages or providing food for the hungry. The followers believe the deeds performed on the Night of Honor allow the spirits of the dead to work through them and relive some of the honor they earned in life. The work ends at the dawn of the next day.


Family Ties

Twin brother of Beltanor
Divine Classification
Minor Pantheon God
Lawful Neutral

Character Portrait image: Holy Symbol of Joth by Toni Gil