The War of the Breaking

"...the gods, each to their own path had come to the same thought. The world, the people of Huld must be set free. Their minds and bodies shackled, their spirits bleeding. Their fervent unspoken wish, to be liberated. The power that had held them was mighty, some gods sought to control it, others to understand it. Yet there were those who sought something else, a path more extreme. The power that held the world, was in need of breaking."  
  • Excerpt from The War of the Breaking, Aurelian Augustus, Fourth of Their Name
  • Purpose

    This book was originally created as a way to collect the various oral histories surrounding the Breaking. The author had heard many commonalities regarding the creation of magic in Huld and desired to collect them into one volume. Each culture of Huld possesses some version of their history that describe this event. By combining the accounts from different cultures, Aurelian Augustus, Fourth of Their Name became the first person to collect these stories in one place and publish them. By proliferating the myths surrounding the Breaking, the author believed they could gain additional insight into the event itself. Each subsequent generation of The Family Augustus adds to a new edition if information needs to be added or corrected.     As each new edition is published it can be used as a guide for instruction, historical research or reference. Due to the wealth of information it provides regarding cultures from across the world the book is a glimpse into new cultures and ideas.

    Document Structure

    Publication Status

    Currently in its fifth edition which was published in 3433 AF. The first edition was originally published in 3004 AF by The Family Augustus in the first two editions, beginning in the third edition The Arcanum added its logistical and academic gravitas to the publication, printing and distribution of all subsequent editions. The tri-fold printing allows for display and reading of the myths in a complementary manner. Since the first edition, the book is structured to have the original myth written in the language and culture that it was recorded from on the left most page. The center page is the translation of the original myth into Emerald Common (or whichever language the book is published in). The right side set of pages are the academic and historical annotations and analysis created by the author.   As the book has been updated in newer editions the translations and insights have been updated but the original transcriptions of the stories from Aurelian Augustus, Fourth of Their Name have remained largely intact with, new myths being added by additional authors.

    Historical Details


    For many readers, the proliferation of this book is what made The Family Augustus a recognizable name across much of Huld. 'The War of the Breaking' is so well known that it has been translated from the original Emerald Common into several language including Fa Common Emserian Common, Dun Boki Dwarvish and Grove Elven.
    Authoring Date
    3004 AF
    Signatories (Organizations)