Sage Blackwell


This character description was written with the help of Austen M.   The enigmatic necromancer is an original member of the Heroes of the Valley. After saving the city of Riverweld from "the Troubled nights" she gave up the life of an adventurer to pursue her work as an anatomist within The Arcanum. Prefering the company of her feline companion Mamma, the adventurer turned Doctor is seldom seen outside of her study inside the Riverweld Arcanum tower. Sage is a jovial young woman who delights in mysteries of the anatomical. While some find her fascination with death and corpses unnerving, her upbeat attitude and dedication to her study have made her a valuable asset to the Arcanum.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A history of the life of Dr. Blackwell can be found in the biography Doctor Sage Blackwell, A history in detail


Sage has spent her life studying the field of Necromancy. Her initial interest in that particular arcane discipline came from a desire to, but as she acquired knowledge she learned how wrong that would be. and so she now studies it to just be able to understand it more and it's her way to pay homage to them. For the longest time, her lifelong dream was just to acquire as much knowledge as she could about this world, so she found a job at the Arcanum as an anatomist.


Sage's roll at The Arcanum did not begin as an anatomist.
Current Status
Transcribing the Encyclopedia Approximatica
Current Location
Year of Birth
3497 AF 27 Years old
Crest Hill
Dark brown
Various shades of purple
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"My research!" - Season 2
"Mamma likes it in the dark" - Season 5
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Fluent: Emserian common (Native Language), Fa common. Conversational: Draconic, Nightgrove Elvish, Undercommon. Lite Infernal (Does not posess the orgrans of speech for Infernal) Read and Write: Infernal

Character Portrait image: Sage Portrait Final by Austin McLean
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