Aiyanna (Eye-anna)


This Character was created with the help of Cameron E.
"Riverweld was the perfect jumping off point to far flung destinations and lost temples of Jangala. She had requested the move from Emser to Riverweld to help with expeditions. Aiyanna itched each time she was made to sit and research maps and spells for expeditions other members would set out on, but after several months she was yet to be deployed. One evening Abbess Greylock found Aiyanna in the library, doing more blasted researech and discussed an upcoming expedition. Aiyanna would accompany Castro, a higher ranked mage to retrieve some artifacts that had been lost. At last! Eager to get out into the wilds, Aiyanna took to the mission with zeal. Castro hired a boat and set about filling vacancies on the crew. She researched the artifacts Castro showed her had been lost. Although Castro was ranked as a higher mage he explained to Aiyanna that she was being evaluated to lead future expeditions. Greylock wanted her to lead future expeditionary crews but knew that the young wizard was untested. Jangala could be dangerous and Castro would be there to provide guidance and to see how she handled herself in the field. Aiyanna hadn't worked with Castro before but hoped that he would give her a fair evaluation. Their mission was simple, sail north and follow the course of an Oreate guild ship, the Tavalt, that had gone missing several seasons prior."
  • Excerpt from the Prologue, The Heroes of the Valley, Season 1
  • Mental characteristics

    Personal history


    Growing up as an orphan in the city of Emser a young Aiyanna was lucky enough to be raised in the halls of the Arcanum. As one of the orphans that worked shelving books and performing menial tasks, living in the grand library was a comfortable childhood. She came to value books and learning but spent much of her time reading grand adventures and tales of honor and glory. Aiyanna was a precocious child, her imagination was vivid and strong, she was a leader among her peers often roping other children into expeditions around the Arcanum tower to steal food from the kitchen or pretend to use some newly imagined magical artifact in her latest fantasy adventure. These activities were mostly harmless but, from time to time, led to some small amount of destruction in the building's deep tunnels.


    Her education in the Arcanum began at an early age. The Arcanists nearly didn't have a choice. Constantly underfoot and curious Aiyanna became something of a mascot among the researchers in Emser. When she was able to finally see above the reading table and scale the ladders of the bookshelves it was natural for her to begin her official education.

    The Life of a Hero

    After her official induction into the Arcanologists she received her orders of deployment to Riverweld she was overwhelmed. At last! She would be sent to the far off Lake Matsaya. Aiyanna was stuck working as a researcher for several cycles before she was given a chance to prove herself. The expedition to Jangala was a mixed success. On the one hand, she had been shipwrecked with a group of strangers. On the other hand, she had rescued a group of lizardfolk refugees, formed The Heroes of the Valley and helped to banish an Aboleth while rescuing her boss from the grips of a tribe of Yuan-Ti while gaining the favor of a turtle dragon. Overall she came out ahead.    When she returned to Riverweld she discovered, to her horror, that the city had been overrun with Vampires and the Fa Empire had abandoned the city, leaving the citizens to fend for themselves. With the help of her new friends Aiyanna was able to defeat the vampires beneath Sterling Shores and rescue the city.


    High achieving and bright Aiyanna led her training class at the Emser Arcanum in her formative years. Choosing to devote herself to her studies out of a desire to prove herself to others, she secret harbored the insecurity that she wasn't truly smart enough to become a wizard of the Arcanum. She spent more time than any of her classmates studying in the vast trove of magical tomes. Forgoing relationships and friendships she preferred the company of books. Her mentor Kevanenpopscalious was a patient man always willing to spend time providing different instruction or willing to make an introduction to other experts around the city. She even spent a cycle interning with the city's eminent magical family, the Salvinous'. Aiyanna was a first rate spell caster, however her lack of any family connections made it difficult for her to advance in rank beyond Acolyte. So, she made the most difficult choice she ever had to, up to that point in her life. She decided to leave Emser.


    Aiyanna has only ever pursued one job from a very young age. In her heart of hearts, she wanted to be one of the Arcanum Expeditionary scholars. After pushing herself in Emser she decided to follow her heart and relocate to Riverweld. The city gave her the chance to work with the Riverweld Arcanum Tower and travel to new places while learning about magical history and artifacts. During her first expedition, she was shipwrecked and helped to found The Heroes of the Valley.

    Mental Trauma

    The wreck of the Surf Kicker in Jangala was Aiyanna's first taste of danger. She survived the initial danger only to be thrown into another perilous situation upon her return to Riverweld with The Heroes of the Valley. Surviving yet another dangerous few weeks being hunted down by vampires and other fiends Aiyanna thought her life of danger was behind her. Unfortunately she faced death once more in The Blasted Lands while attempting to find a Lich for Sage Blackwell to research. After narrowly escaping with her friends Aiyanna returned to Riverweld and was swept into the role of Abbess of the Riverweld Arcanum Tower. A role she accepted. She has traded a life of danger and chaos for a life of administration and stress. Not quite the life she had imagined, but at last Aiyanna had a chance to stop dodging arrows and almost drowning.


    Social Aptitude

    Confident and headstrong, Aiyanna is socially fearless. A quality which often works to her benefit. On the rare occasion she is unable to achieve her desired result in a conversation or negotiation she treats it as a learning experience.
    Current Status
    Managing the Riverweld Arcanum
    Current Location
    Other Ethnicities/Cultures
    Currently Held Titles
    Year of Birth
    3481 AF 43 Years old
    5' 8"
    Aligned Organization
    Other Affiliations

    Character Portrait image: Aiyanna the half-elf wizard by Antonia Gil