The Parable of Tavaseer

The following information was collected and combined by Aurelian Augustus, Fifth of Their Name.   Tavaseer was the name of a half orc warlord that was chosen by Beltanor to steal Drequi's  fire. Abandoned by his mother a human and his father, an Orc. He was cast out of the human village that he was born into and forced to live in the wastes of the forest that would eventually become the Ramlands .   Fleeing south out of the frozen tundra, Tavaseer eventually found work as a raider with a group of other trolls, orcs and half-breeds with backgrounds similar to his own. Unwanted and exiled from the Ramlands and into the Towerfall Mountains this band of renegades had been able to survive only by stealing and pillaging nearby farms and small towns. Tavaseer was never expected to rise very high as a raider due to his half blood status but he was ambitious. During one of the raids he was on, he assaulted a group of priests. Unknown to the raiders, these priests worshiped Drequi, elemental goddess of fire. When Tavaseer killed them he did so with as much brutality as he could. This show of force was the start of his bloody path towards increasing amounts of violent raids to show his prowess despite his half-blood status. Tavaseer, it was said, feared no gods, not even the goddess of fire. He wore the hides of his fallen victims into battle and refused to burn their bodies, as was custom for followers of the goddess of fire. Instead Tavaseer left his victims to rot and be consumed by the creatures of the mountains. This was especially offensive to many since cremation was common in the Towerfall Mountains and especially among priests of Drequi .   This continued affront earned him the ire not only of the sacred pyre but also Joth . Joth attempted to destroy Tavasir and sent many honorable men and women to defeat him. However, Tavaseer had an unseen benefactor, Joth's brother Beltanor.  because he was bored, Beltanor continued to intervene on Tavaseer’s behalf. The consistent victories that he earned were a mystery to him and those around him. As a result Tavaseer became a warlord of great renown.   When he eventually learned that Joth  was attempting to destroy him through the interrogation of his attackers he swore an oath against Joth.   Beltanor was a spiteful god and continued to operate in the shadows and manipulate Tavaseer into killing priests of Joth and Drequi. As Tavaseer aged he continued to win battles by luck. He began to believe that the gods favored him and eventually provided a blood offering of priests and paladins belonging to a number of gods before Beltanor sent a messenger to him in the form of Roderian Ling Dulin Ray a powerful wizard and Tomb Grinder. These three were servants of Baltanor, called Sedai and were instructed to seek out Tavaseer and discover if he would be a willing candidate for elevation into the ranks of the servants of Beltanor.   It is unclear how, but many believe Beltanor tricked Ravan into granting Tavaseer immortality. Much to the anger of Ravan (the not yet fallen god of resurrection). Tavasir could no longer be killed by mortal means.   With his new found invulnerability Tavaseer agreed and pledged his horde to Beltanor and agreed to spread his subjugation of the lands and creation of more servants to Beltanor.   One of the magic items that Tavasir took from his pillaging was the The Seeking Sword. Little is known of how Tavaseer found the sword but it is believed that his aquisition of The Seeking Sword led to a near peerless level of destruction at his hands.   The four Sedai of Beltanor were successful in waging massive wars in Japarates. Eventually Tavaseer was confronted by a dying priest of Joth that he had been manipulated into his early victories. Not believing this Tavaseer continued to murder. And pillage until one day he received a vision from Beltanor that the lies would stop if he could control the one thing that the world needed, Light. In order to do this he would need to travel to the land of the Madji. Thanks to Ravan’s gift of immortality, he was also able to pass almost unseen as a lesser spirit in The Madji.   Tavaseer snuck into the realm of The Madji  and was able to steal Drequi's  fire due to the distraction of Protva murdering Ravan. Which was arranged by Beltanor. When Tavaseer stole the fire he was confronted by Joth. Joth stripped Tavaseer of his immortality and bound him to his will. Tavaseer would be made to suffer for thousands of cycles. One for each life he had taken in service to Beltanor. When his suffering ended the redemption at the hands of Beltanor's brother could begin. Joth had made his will manafest in Tavaseer. For now the old warlord would be a paragon of justice and light. And just has he had stripped Drequi's fire from The Madji he too would be stripped of his memories, stripped of his battles and stripped of his ferocity.   His punishment would be his redemption, to bring justice and healing to the mortal world he had helped to destroy alongside the dread lords of Beltanor.     This story is often recited in whole or in part as a way to explain to young warriors that no matter how high you aspire or brutal you become, you can, and will always find a stronger foe. It is unclear how many languages or cultures this story has become common in, but it is primarily told to this day in Rinhold and Japarates. At the time of this writing it is said that the man once known as Tavaseer may still walk the world of Huld atoning for his life as a warlord and living as a paragon of justice and light.

Cover image: by Joe Leconte (Via Midjourney AI)