
"Cliffs above screams. Snaking rapids under lush disguise. Peril and death sleep within. Branches and Blood!" - Verse from a Jangalan Yuan-Ti tribe song.   The Jangalan rain forest is a thick dangerous place full of predatory animals and territorial tribes untouched by the outside world.


Jangalan terrain cannot be traversed easily. The multitude streams and rivers that carve their way through the jungle are only passable by a shallow hulled boat and an experienced navigator such as Astraeus Tyche. Sheer cliff faces more than a hundred feet tall line almost all of the rivers in this jungle landscape. The tops of the valleys tower above the river carved canyons and host the very peaks of the jungle canopy. If a person were to stand atop the very tallest trees that crown a jungle valley and look down to a river below, it is not unusual to see a distance of more than several hundred feet.


The thick rainforest of Jangala is created by warm humid air being blown north off of Lake Matsaya and getting trapped at the edge of The Tressian Plateau. The moisture collects along the massive continental edge and creates a near constant humidity and rain heavy clouds. The moisture in the air creates the perfect environment for moss, lichen and many other forms of dense vegetation. The sedimentary soil of Jangala allows for deep canyons and valleys to be carved by the many rivers. The daily rains that cover Jangala add to the rivers constant flow creating a verdant rainforest and a massive canopy that towers over the rivers below.

Ecosystem Cycles

While it does seem to be constantly raining in Jangala, there is a wet season season and a monsoon season. The Harvest and Winter seasons make up the wet seasons where the rainfall ebbs to approximately 40 inches of rain per season. These relatively small amounts of rain lower the depth of rivers and streams to only a dozen feet in some areas. The roots of the trees that have made their homes along the valley walls make a natural ladder for jungle predators to make their way down to the riverbanks to hunt for fish and boats that stray too close to shore. 

In the Monsoon seasons of Springtide and Summertide Jangala can receive as much as twenty inches of rain per day. These gluts of rain flood the valleys and create violent currents that dash all but the most stalwart navigators and their ships along the valley walls. With the rapid influx of rain into the valleys many trees, creatures and other detritus are swept up in the flood. These objects are almost always washed out into the depths of Lake Matsaya where they either sink to the bottom or float to far off shores.

Natural Resources

Much of Jangala is unexplored due to the difficult terrain. However, many rare herbs and flowers can be found in the dense jungles. These special plants are sought out by some of Huld's most determined herbalists and apothecaries. Jangalan trees are also highly sought after by shipbuilders for their high density and water and fire repelling properties. A ship built with Jangalan wood can withstand rock strikes to its hull and direct impacts from larger creatures.


The Jangalan rain forest is home to several groups of


The natural dangers of the Jangalan wilderness make it unlikely to host many tourists. However, the rain forest is a destination for many expeditionary parties for The Arcanum. With so many unexplored ruins and temples the area is believed to hold a multitude of ancient magical artifacts and objects.
Alternative Name(s)
Green Hells
Location under
Included Locations