The High Wardens

A council made up from people from the different isles. Made by the last old warden to take over the rule of the warden isles. Recently the council have seen a rare switch in the seats of elves, welcoming the youngest elf to ever take a seat on the council and a night elf nonetheless.


After the last warden passed in 1434 The high Wardens was established in 1435 after each council member had been chosen. Going on their 65th the council have seen its fair share of turmoil and change already. Having different life spans the human part of the council has changed chair holders the most, already having a functioning council in place on the isle of man made the change quite easy for the humans. The dwarves coming in close second with the amount of times their chair holders have changed, mostly because the dwarves themself prefer their life under the mountains and don’t want to stay to long on the open plains and narrow island of the warden’s keep. The elf’s have only seen a change in chair holders three times, the first two very early on and the third one very recently. A young drow of only 112 years talking a seat on the council.

Organisation structure

The council has twelve seats in total, three for each of the islands and three for the capital itself. They meet on certain days of the week within the wardens keep itself and discuss matters of the country’s ruling. Representatives from each island work closely together for the sake of the island they represent. The capitals chair holders work for the sake of the whole country and its capital. They are also in charge of the countrys police force that are just simply called The Wardens and most international trade has to be approved by at least one high warden.


Most of the chair holders have one thing they specialise in such as agriculture, safety and trade. Some have now started working with foreign relations outside of the regular trade routes, especially with the neighbouring country Regione Florum. Even though they work closely together there is some lingering misstrust between the different factions, especially between the elf and human factions within the council. Some wanting to move forward from old traditions and some wanting to hold on.

The chair holders live for most of their working time in the capital, within the high warden distrikt next to the old wardens keep. Different houses changing owners as the chair holders change, even tough the newest of the council members has gotten an new house built for her quite separate from the other Elfs.

The wardens

The countrys police force are just simply called the wardens. The wardens have fraktions within themselves one country guards, one city guards and the personal guards of the high wardens. Each fraktion has its own ranks such as, private, sergeant and captain. The closer they work to the high wardens the higher status they have, a high warden guard are often awarded with their own house within the warden distrikt or an apartment within an established house.

The High Wardens council:

Three representatives from the warden's keep;

Bryan Bran

Aeran Ciran

Hjalrom Teham

Three representatives from the isles of man;

Li Mueng

Gabriella Tons

Ren Savin

Three representatives from the isles of elves;

Nim-ihar Nevae

Kiirion Dronher

Tanyl Fenmaris

Three representatives from the isles of dwarfs;

Emdal Drunkkith

Brettin Teham

Kartyn Steelbreaker

Founding Date
1435 AD
Governmental, Senate/Parliament
Alternative Names
Wardens, The Wardens, The High Ones.
Predecessor Organization
Government System
Democracy, Representative