The Original Wardens

The original wardens where three wardens from the main land that decided to leave in search for new land. Their reasons behind leaving was truly lost to us when the last original warden left us in the year 1434 but what is known is that they were originally wardens of Regione Florum.


The original Wardens Tor, Virlen and Gwinleen set out from Regione Florum in beginning of 1287 and discovered the islands shortly after. They split the island between them and soon more of their own kind started settling on their island creating The Isle of Man, The Isle of Elves and The Isle of Dwarfs. In the beginning they divided the islands amongst themself but as more and more people settled there the people grew more divided but as long as The Original Wardens lived they keep the country together. To keep the country united the wardens built the wardens keep but the keep was just that a keep. Some small settlements was built outside of the keep but for most parts it was only used as a meeting house.

Tor was the first one to leave us out of the three wardens. Only 13 years after the discovery of The Warden Isles Tor Kharlsberg disappeared from his humble home in Torsvik at the age of 34. No one is quite certain of what happened to him but several theories has been discussed over the years. Being known as a quite formidable drinker the most popular theory is that he one day drank himself to death and the tragedy was covered up. Having no successors or family the leadership of the isle of man was given to a council, this council is said to have been the inspiration tho the later council called the high wardens.

Gwinleen passed in her halls deep within the mountain surrounded by family in 1429, just five years before the last warden at the age of 284. Having been a big part of the development and trade of the warden isles all the traveling and trade between the islands ceased for thirty days following her passing.

In 1434 the last of the original wardens died. Virlen had been the oldest of the wardens from the beginning, having reached the age of 527 at the start of their voyage Virlen only reached the age of 674 dying far earlier then most elf. In her later years Virlen is said to have been much isolated, by her own doing, even from her own people. There’s no known documentation of why this self isolation happened. And the first known documentation from this time is Virlen’s own last will and testament naming the Warden’s keep as the country’s capital and a ruling council put in to place in her stead.

For all through time.


Tor 1266 – 1300 ✝

Virlen 760 – 1434 ✝

Gwinleen 1145 – 1429 ✝

1286 AD - 1434 AD

Successor Organization