Arrival in Gobruk

General Summary

After the Partizans have succesfully located general Georgio Armici Cristardo and teleported to his location, a conversation takes place, in which the party offers to take the general back to Neverwinter to restore him to his position there. The conversation goes different than expected though.   The Partizans first learn from the general how the general ended up in this place. As it turns out the general was sent here commanding a large Colonian military force, to "pacify" the area. Military intelligence had discovered the area to be full of The Derkon and the idea was to undermine their activities and kill or capture as much of these terrorists as possible in the process. Quickly after arriving here though, the Colonians were surrounded by Derkon fighters, who seemed to know all about the number of Colonians, their strengths and weaknesses, and the layout of their encampment. It was clear that they had to have had inside information, and this was later confirmed to General Cristardo by the Derkon themselves.   The Derkon aimed to use the general as a hostage to bargain with Colonia. Whether they might get some captured Derkon freed, provisions delivered, a Colonian partial retreat or ceasefire, or some other thing in exchange quickly mattered little, as it turned out the Colonian command was uninterested in the return of the general. Wondering why the Colonians would rather see their famous and decorated general dead than even sitting down to negotiations, the Derkon soon figured keeping General Cristardo alive might serve them better than to kill him, and they offered him a simple but sufficient living space in their cave system.   General Georgio Armici Cristardo himself also wonders why his army was betrayed so quickly and so completely, followed by this unwillingness to bargain for his life and return to active duty. Like father Henry Brightheart he prefers to stay "dead" for the time being and will only return to Neverwinter when he has a good understanding of who to trust and how to win.   He further informs the Partizans that all these things seem to revolve around control of the Glowstone that this area is rich in. This same stuff was linked to the interest of several parties in Wave Echo Cave and the ore seems to be needed to fuel an ancient artefact from Netheril. The party therefor decides to set out to find this ore and its mines, and start exploring the cave system under Gobruk.   During their first rest in the vast underground areas of this region, Yorratra Melith MitorĂ© goes missing. Following his tracks in the tunnels, Scaramouche Fan'dango ends up at the entrance of a colorful and bright cave, full of fungi and biological organisms emitting a soft glow and seeming unnaturally vivid and mesmerizing. The footsteps abruptly come to an end a few feet into the cave and Scaramouche decides it wiser to return to his party then to step into the cave. After he returns, and everyone has awakened from their rest, Bilbo Barbarian receives a sending from Yorratra stating that he had to go off to find out about something and will catch up to the party as soon as possible, if they will make sure to leave an easy to follow trail.   The party then decides it wise to proceed on their mission and with the help of Bilbo Barbarian they manage to succesfully find their way to the city of Moraduma without getting hopelessly lost in the maze of tunnels and passages of these dwarven lands. At the guardhouse to the city, the party explains that they are refugees from Colonia, having fled the nasty treatment they received from the human leadership there. Convincing the guards of this likely story, but the guards still somewhat mistrusting, they decide to allow the group to enter the city, but in a place well known to them. One of the guards, Thymin Bloodkith, leads the party to a boarding house that belongs to his sister, where the are offered simple but comfortable rooms.   In the boarding house the party is introduced to the guard's sister Maevmera Bloodkith, who seems pleasurable and friendly. They have a conversation about live here, and find out that she knows about the Derkon attack on the Colonian camp. She had the idea all Colonians there were killed, which serves them right for invading their lands. After all, it is only logical for any peoples to defend their homes against foreign invasion. Also, the Partizans learn that the entire boarding house seems to be under the influence of an abjuration spell.
Colonia's Hegemony
Bilbo Barbarian
Scaramouche Fan'dango
Yorratra Yorratra Melith Ithil
Randy Jones
Report Date
25 Aug 2021

This article has no secrets.


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