
Roughly 2000 years ago the whole world east of Colonia was almost completely divided in empires fighting one another for first place. All empires wanted more power and wealth, and tried to expand their territories, either into unclaimed portions of the world, or into the territories of rival empires. For approximately the next 1000 years this resulted in claiming pretty much all that was still unclaimed in the entire known world.   1253 years ago some Turami traders sailed west and discovered the two continents lying in this part of the world. There were however already humans living on these continents, namely Rashemi in the north, and Illuskan in the east. The Turami managed to claim the southern continent without too much of an issue. But when Chondatan humans followed the Turami traders to claim the northern continent of this part of the world as new and as yet unclaimed, these inhabitants protested this on the grounds that they had been living here for ages already. They were however completely without any chance of fending off the Chondatan invasion, and the Chondatans quickly formed a new part of their empire in what is now known as Colonia. What survived the purge was driven to the borders of Colonia, and ordered to stay there in what the Chondatans called reservations.   Many centuries of fighting between empires, and exploiting of the inhabitants by the emperors and their nobility, had created much tension and hostility all through the world. A 1000 years ago the Age of Empires was ended when all this exploded in a period of violent wars, rebellions and revolutions. This was known as the Age of Chaos.


Colonia is ruled by an emperor, at this moment Don Althromb. Usually an emperor rules for life, unless he chooses to abdicate before that. Under his rule are provinces and countries, each ruled by kings and other nobility, such as earls and dukes. They rule their own territories as fiefdoms under the greater empire. The next level of government is given to councils composed of lords and like upperclass characters, who carry responsibility over parts of society, such as religion, magic, trade and farming.

Public Agenda

Colonia grabs every opportunity to proclaim its goal of ridding the world of evildoers, and establishing and maintaining the freedom and wealth of the good races of the world. To this end they find themself necessarily in continuous war with the evil races who are jealous of our freedom and seek to destroy us all.

Benedicat Hextori Coloniam

Geopolitical, Empire
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories


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