Back from the Dark Island

General Summary

Having returned to Ehlonna's Grove by way of hurried teleportation, the exhausted party members nearly drop to their knees. With the help of a refreshing glass of water offered by lady Vandala Maz'Trawa however, they feel strong enough to stay awake a moment longer.   Even though Scaramouche Fan'dango, who arrived with the captive Black Robe before the others, wanted to severely beat the prisoner, lady Maz'Trawa quickly intervened and restrained the prisoner herself. Magically protected from prying eyes the party members arriving shortly thereafter can set their minds to the interrogation, helped in this effort by the magic of the elvish High Priestess.   From the captured mage it is learned that The Black Robes are on the Dark Island not only because of scientific interest in the undead beings there, but also to make alliances with the powers that call the Dark Island home. He suggests that a war is coming, and it is only logical that parties are forging alliances in preparation. And the possible allies to be made on the island are very powerful indeed. As to what his masters were planning to offer Lord Soth however, he has no idea. That is beyond his station to be informed about. If the party wanted such details they would have done better capturing Tharudak. Their expedition had just returned from a conversation with a lich, which the captured escort had been left out of as well.   Lady Maz'Trawa hearing what the mage has to say, and learning from the Partizans about their conversation with the banshee, is clearly undone and retreats with obvious intent. Once out of earshot of the prisoner she starts a magical sending. The Partizans wondering what is going on manage to eavesdrop on the conversation she has, and are shocked to hear she calls out to none other than Lord Henry Brightheart, presumed dead.   After they have had a long, much needed and deserved rest, the Partizans find out that not only is Lord Brightheart still alive and hidden and protected by a 'friend', but so it seems is General Georgio Armici Cristardo. Not surprisingly Randy Jones is very happy to receive this news, as he hopes to restore order to his beloved brothers in arms. There is bad news as well however, as it seems things have gotten worse in the city while the party was away on the island. The party learns that Randy's family has been forced to move to the Outsiders. Luckily Harald MacIntyre learned about their plight and has been making sure they have enough food and shelter. Going in search of MacIntyre to find out where Randy's family may be staying, they discover the Sleeping Hunter to be destroyed by the guards and military of the city. Gathering some information in the empty and desolate streets of the Outsiders, they quickly learn MacIntyre has moved his headquarters to the sewers after the destruction of his earlier base of operations. Having put the efforts of Bilbo Barbarian in digging tunnels, and the map provided by Razyle to good use, his underground stronghold is large and well organized and will be hard to defeat.   Randy decides enough is enough and leaves the armed forces of Neverwinter. The Partizans seek out his family and arrange for Randy's family and a number of refugees from the Outsiders to be transported to Phandalin by means of yet another good use of teleportation. Here they will be taken care of by Daran Edermath, who is more than happy to help.   Next the party decides to seek out General Georgio Armici Cristardo hoping to muster support for a revolt in Neverwinter, wresting power away from the new general Domhnall Rum and restoring Cristardo to his rightful position. To this end they contact him, scry on him, and teleport to his location. By sheer luck all these steps are successful and the party appear in a cavernous underground room, primitive, sparsely furnished and somewhat dreary where the general seems to be alive and well.
Colonia's Hegemony
Bilbo Barbarian
Scaramouche Fan'dango
Yorratra Yorratra Melith Ithil
Randy Jones
Report Date
25 Aug 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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