First of Anvil; More downtime in Neverwinter Report

General Summary

Randy Jones has been working hard to disprove the general's implication that only humans can make good Colonian soldiers. Even under the watchful eye of sergeant Qubert Hardhunter, Randy has successfully kept army command from finding any fault in his actions or obedience, to some measure of annoyance on the part of the general and staff.   Bilbo Barbarian has started work on a tunnel from within the Outsiders, with the help of other dwarves organized by Harald MacIntyre. The goal is to make an access route from within the beleaguered quarters to outside the newly erected walls, coming up in a disused storehouse near the Drill Square.   Scaramouche Fan'dango has been trying to work his way into the elite circles of the city again, and managed to make contact with some of the more important citizens. They like his stories of older times, but Scaramouche had to conclude that he has his work cut out for him, as he has been away for too long to still carry any weight from his previous position.   Razyle has been trying to keep a low profile, but when she decided to head for the Great Library to find a map for the sewers, she was spotted by some agents of the Scuffling Partizans' adversaries, and she was knocked unconscious upon exiting the library again, having just secured a map to the sewers. She was then taken to a prison in a recently repopulated Wizard's Tower, where she was questioned by Napoleon.   Yorratra Melith Mitoré was sent by Reidoth Paleflower to a position just outside the aforementioned tower, with the mission to liberate Razyle from her predicament. He succeeded with flying colors in sneaking into the building, and managed to nearly get out without being noticed. Just as Napoleon tried to destroy them, the two managed to reenter the tree that Reidoth used as a portal.   Discussing the situation surrounding the kidnapping of Razyl, Scaramouche Fan'dango remembered that when he was last in Neverwinter, the head of the Tower of Arcane Learning had been a white robed mage named Manrix Silverstead. Vandala Maz'Trawa overhearing the partizans talking about black robes in collusion with a servant of Alexander Inquisitorius, and the possibility that Razyl had been taken to the Dark Island, concluded that this whole situation had the smell of necromancy around it.   Bilbo, when trying to use his ring of teleportation to return to the Jones' place, missed the mark and in stead ended up in a similar house owned by the human Sanders family. Not knowing how to explain himself, he pointed behind the family to draw their attention away from him, and charged out of the front door.
Colonia's Hegemony
Report Date
07 Mar 2021
Primary Location
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