Alexander Inquisitorius

In Neverwinter or, in fact, the entire country of Colonia, a Tiefling is a rare sight. One that is also a well revered cleric of none other than Nerull is even more special. To find such a cleric in the Council of Wise Men of Neverwinter is pretty near impossible. But here he is. It has long been rumored that the Colonian government has a special relationship with Tieflings and the Tiefling nation of Harmeggidon. This must be the explanation for finding reverend Inquisitorius firmly in the position he presently is in.
Now it is no mystery that any sizeable settlement has to come to grips with death in its goings on, and Neverwinter is no exception. So even though most people cringe at the thought of cemeteries and religions dedicated to a god of death, it must be an integral part of life since it is the natural conclusion of it forever. Someone had to see to the proper disposal of bodies in and around the city before the poison the air and water supplies, and the church of Nerull gladly took up the challenge.
Regardless, very little people like the presence of this ominous place and its characters, and the reverend has little friends. More over, apart from the few who attend the services of Nerull, only the members of the council see this man on a fairly regular basis. He has never been the social type to begin with, but under his present occupation in the city of Neverwinter, he hardly ever enters the city walls and even then prefers to walk at night or not walk at all. Those few who have the misfortune of being in his path on his rare walks through the streets usually choose to duck into alleys or otherwise change direction. Lets just call it a healthy amount of respect for his station.


Francis Brighton

colleague (Important)

Towards Alexander Inquisitorius



Alexander Inquisitorius

colleague (Important)

Towards Francis Brighton



Current Location
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: Despair by BethBH


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