Lords' Alliance

The Lords' Alliance involves only rulers. They have decided to strengthen their positions by combining their forces. They will come to one another's aid, whenever the need arises. First and foremost is their own station though, and the fortune of their own settlement, fiefdom, or region si firmly at the top of their (political) agenda.   The higher stations in this organisation are reserved only for those in power, but of course there must be a part of the organisation that makes up the foot soldiers. The alliance is open to all walks of life, as long as they have proven their usefulness. Lesser members are chosen for their loyalty, and are trained to be either fighters, scouts or both. In theory it is possible for these members to rise to positions of power, working their way up through the ranks.   But in general most stations are hereditary, as rulers have their children become members trained in politics and powerplay, who will take over after their parent retire. Being led by rulers of greater power and influence, all members however, have access to larger amounts of gear, and of better quality, than they would have otherwise.   Members are all extensively and rigorously trained, and therefor rarely matched in battle. To maintain order however, any liability must quickly be dealt with. Rogue elements are rare, in most cases quickly discovered, and subsequently indiscriminately destroyed. From time to time however, some higher member may be able to gather enough personal power in secret, to take the place of his lord in the alliance. In such cases the previous lord has to 'disappear', along with his entire family or other possible heirs to the throne. If executed quickly and cleanly, the coup will be accepted by the alliance, and the new ruler may take up his new station seamlessly.   However, if the new ruler creates too much chaos in regular trade and control of the population, (including failure to keep a lid on what has happened by censorship,) or refuses to stay in the alliance, the other rulers will react most harshly, harnessing all possible measures from economic isolation, all the way to full blown war.   Tenets: If civilisation is to survive, all must unite against the dark forces that threaten it. Glory comes from protecting one's home and honouring its leaders. The best defence is a strong offence.   Goals: To ensure the safety and prosperity of the cities and other settlements of Colonia by forming a strong coalition against the forces that threaten all, eliminate such threats by any means necessary whenever and wherever they arise, and be champions of the people.   Missions: May include putting your life on the line in fending off attacks from armies of orcs, finding and rooting out rebellious forces, being sent off to war in far away countries, and using any means at your disposal to combat any 'propaganda' against your lord.


Ranks Renown Perks and Responsibilities
Cloak 1 At least level 2. As you receive orders from higher members, you're loyalty is continuously tested
Redknife 3 At least level 5. You enjoy diplomatic status in all regions of the Alliance.
Stingblade 10 At least level 10. Trusted with the true goal behind missions. Helped with valuable resources and equipment on missions.
Warduke 25 At least level 15. Trusted with position(s) of power and influence.
Lioncrown 50 Reserved for Lords only. Given a seat at alliance meetings.
  The alliance is there for the greater glory of your lord, and the protection of his power, wealth and influence. Members have to first prove their loyalty. Once risen up from first rank, members are given whatever they may logically need for any given mission by their own lord. Other lords will recognize your status in the alliance, and their government (guards, soldiers, judges, and the like) will treat you as a diplomat. When involved in arguments with local inhabitants without membership in the alliance, your word is treated as more truthful.   Only the highest members are given positions in society. They must have proven their loyalty to their lord, before they are trusted with their own power and influence. There is more than enough reason for this, since only members of this level are allowed to replace their lord, and may be tempted to do so. Would any plans to take over their lord's position be found out, the current lord will have to make an example of you, and your punishment will be extremely severe.


You move around in the circles of the rich and powerful, and you too are well to do. All the havenots are considered peasantry and not worth your attention. If at all possible, you would leave dealing with these masses to some subject. If you cannot prevent having to personally encounter the lower classes, you invariably treat them with disdain, unless there is a real good reason not to.   As far as your own clique is concerned, you have a small number of trusted friends and allies, and mistrust the vast majority of nobility around them. You regularly act as a backstabber, smiling in the face of some unknown person, only to find out how to undermine their position and reputation, as soon as their backs are turned.

Public Agenda

Outwardly the Lords of the Alliance make it their business to sell their own worth and value to society as a whole. Without the Lords society would surely crumble to barbarism and anarchy, and you seize every opportunity to profess your protection of our way of life and the continuation of our prosperity.   In public the Alliance is well spoken, courteous and diplomatic. All questions are answered with patience and respect, but all answers are given with one liners, innuendo and spin. Whenever a question about your actions is aimed at undermining your right to act, you make sure to use as many words as possible without really answering the question. This, after all, is the core of politics.

Threats to our collective wealth and power must be terminated without prejudice. Fight for the security and glory of our people!

Government, Leadership
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization


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