Tiefling Creation Story

Just like the dwarves, the Tieflings hold that the universe was made along with all races, the Tieflings being the chosen race of Ashmodai.

Ashmodai Calendar

48161 and beyond

The only correct reckoning of time, as has been passed from father to son through all the years of Tiefling existence.

  • 1 A.C.

    12 /9

    Birth of Tieflings
    Life, Birth

    As the Dawn War rages, Asmodeus and his generals mix their blood with human allies to form the first Tieflings. The Tieflings consider themselves blessed for having the blood of gods running through their very veins, and all other races inferior for being merely created.

  • 87 A.C.

    15 /1

    Founding of the Red Dawn

    Needing more allies to supply him with souls, Nerull gathers a number of efficient killers together and form them into the organization that is henceforth known as the Red Dawn.   Quickly taking pride in and feeling elation with their assassinations, it doesn't take these first members long to make the organization respected and feared throughout the world. To this very day they still harvest souls for Nerull.

  • 340 A.C.

    17 /11

    Banishment of Asmodeus
    Celestial / Cosmic

    In one of the most epic battles of the Dawn War Asmodeus is beaten by an angelical army led by Bahamut, and banished to the Nine Hells. This was a huge blow to the evil armies, as Asmodeus was their general, and the one attempting to be the lord over all, as a new Eru.   By this banishment Asmodeus became just another deity among many, and many claim this terminated his claims to becoming the ruler of the universe. His children the Tieflings though, still claim that one day Asmodeus will return to the Prime Material and begin his final and lasting rule as the one and single god.

  • 1043 A.C.

    18 /9

    Destruction of Netheril
    Disaster / Destruction

    Throughout the years of the Dawn War many battles have taken place, claiming the lives of gods and humanoids alike, destroying constructions as well as landscapes, and generally turning all the world into a broken, cracked, desolate and smoldering ruin.   In the past years forces of all sides have gathered around Netheril, where the empire's greatest mages have gathered all their most epic powers and artifacts together for the final decisive battle.   The good and neutral gods, having joined forces after the good deities promising to withdraw from the Prime Material to settle in Celestia, and in order to prevent either the evil deities or the self-serving mages from Netheril from destroying all that remains of the multiverse, make their final charge on the heart of the empire.   The Alliance arrive just as the Netheril mages release the full might of their magic, and the resulting collision of powers results in a blast of epic proportions. The blast is so loud it is heard in every corner of the world. It is so powerful it smashes a crater into the continent of Arctaria over a thousand miles in diameter. It has so much energy the blast wave reverberates around the world several times and searing heat kills millions around the world.

  • 9758 A.C.

    10751 A.C.

    26 /10

    Age of Empires
    Era beginning/end

    All over the continent of Keltasta kingdoms have consolidated control over large swaths of land, and subsequently grown into empires. With borders between the empires once established, the search for more land, power and wealth starts expeditions into other continents.   For the inhabitants of powerful empires this age means peace and prosperity. But to large amounts of inhabitants of yet unclaimed areas it means violence, exploitation and death, as colonization moves ever quickly to beat other empires to the prize.

  • 9995 A.C.

    23 /12

    Founding of the Harpers

    Midway through the Age of Empires people start to get concerned with the increasing power of the empires. Some learned individuals thinking back at the historical account of the Netheril empire, see a real and major threat in the growth of armies and the extremes that emperors go to in order to gain more land, influence and wealth.   Through discussions, meetings and planning these and other individuals come to the conclusion that the world is in dire need of an organization that monitors the powers that be, decides what threat they form and make sure the threat is defused. Named after the harp portrayed on the family crest of one of the founders, the Harpers were founded.

  • 10277 A.C.

    16 /7

    Founding of the Zhentarim

    On the island of Strantia, where Turami humans live in small villages and cities, comprised of fishermen, farmers and vintagers, some of the more affluent members of society gradually seize control over their local businesses and councils.   On Strantia family is the most valued wealth, and competition between the different families can run deep. If a boy of one family beats a boy of another family, or if a man of one family mistreats a woman of another family, feuds may start that run for generations and may escalate to the level of murder.   As such it is no wonder that the most powerful families get ever more control over their regions, and demand respect and tribute from less powerful families. And through years this process has evolved on the island, until only a couple of families control everything that goes on.   The most powerful and extreme of these families is the family Zhentare. On this day in history they defeated their biggest rival and henceforth named their organization the Zhentarim.

  • 10587 A.C.

    3 /10

    The discovery of Omodya and Arctaria
    Discovery, Exploration

    Turami traders land on the shores of Arctaria. There are few humans living here and they are peaceful. The Turami quickly manage to colonize parts of the coast and start trading with the locals.

  • 10751 A.C.

    27 /10
    10779 A.C.

    24 /3

    Age of Chaos
    Era beginning/end

    The Age of Empires has turned almost the entire known world into the possession of one of the great empires of Keltastan origin. These empires have grown to become decadent and corrupt and too large to remain stable. Wealth is highly concentrated around a small minority of noblemen and rulers, while the large majority of peoples are forced to toil and suffer under squalid circumstances, with no hope for betterment.   These circumstances have been leading to rising levels of discontent and something has started brewing under the surface of many nations. Starting with the Damaran empire of Grebsi, revolutions break out all over the Keltastan continent. Needing their soldiers at home to protect the nobility and their palaces from the angry mobs, the empires are no longer able to control their colonies and soon all hell breaks loose.   After the dust settles on this period of revolutions and insurgencies, none of the old empires remains, and the geopolitical stage is fundamentally changed. Colonia, the relatively independent nation at the heart of Omodya, however, has seen an opportunity during the chaos, and has quickly moved in to gather the crumbs of the erstwhile great empires from Keltasta. A new empire rises from the ashes.

  • 10777 A.C.

    20 /12

    Formation of the Poldora

    Amidst the chaos of this age, the Tieflings find themselves increasingly targeted by the violence of these times. Their hellish roots and demonic appearance convinces many other people that they are, at the least partly, to blame for all the present day misery.   Faced with threats, beatings, torture and murder, some tieflings that are more sturdy in mind and body organize themselves in gangs of goons, answering violence with violence. They take the name Poldora.

  • 10779 A.C.

    25 /3
    11808 A.C.

    14 /10

    Great War
    Political event

    During the final years of the Age of Chaos, as the erstwhile ruling empires of the world crumble and fall, a major shift in power takes place. Needing lots of resources to fuel armies and safe populations from extinction, all people, nations and factions try to secure access to the vast treasures under the earth, mainly in the areas mined by dwarves for as long as they exist.   Colonia, sensing the coming lull in geopolitical power, quickly sends troops all over the world to secure as many of these resources as possible. The Drow Kingdom, noticing this action, and realizing the necessity to react, mirror this strategy from their side, knowing that even the some of the resources they have had access to in the past, would otherwise come under control of the humans.   As both sides race each other to secure every last known resource not currently controlled by a force that can defend itself, they soon find themselves in conflict. Colonia responds with a worldwide propaganda campaign, calling on the evil nature of the Drow, and presenting themselves as the selfless saviors and protectors of the 'good' races. The Drow respond to this by presenting Colonia as a new form of the old empires that exploited the world and thereby caused all the misery of recent times.   Both sides now having secured support and basis for expansion, subsequently increase their mutual animosity and tension rises ever further. Both knowing however that all out war against each others heartland would be too destructive, they get into a war of skirmishes and battles fought in areas of other peoples, and often against the locals in stead of each other, lasting for many many years.

  • 10783 A.C.

    9 /6

    Establishment of the Nation of Har Meggidon

    Having worked towards finding a safe place to settle during the final years of the Times of Chaos, Tieflings had already aimed their attention to the Hagface Peninsula. The land where the Tiefling race first saw the light of day unsurprisingly feels like home to many Tieflings, even though they were expelled from this land during the Age of Empires.   Now that the world is changed and Colonia and the Drow are fighting each other over resources, the Tieflings find an ally in Colonia, and with her backing issue a claim over this land. There are however many Calishite humans and the Dwarven Harma Kingdom present here already, who don't appreciate being made into inferior subjects of a new nations, and troubles soon arise.

  • 11807 A.C.

    15 /10

    Foundation of the Derkon

    In the Kingdom of Ariandur, Colonian secret forces have trained dwarves to fight against the Drow Kingdom. Up to this time they had little dealings with the Drow themselves, but Colonia had devised a devious plan.   Taking dwarves from other nations, allied to Colonia, and recognized to be more aggressive than your average dwarf, they collected them all in a camp hidden in disused caverns a ways away from the cities of Ariandur. Here these wild dwarves were exposed to anti-Drow propaganda on a daily basis, and trained in fighting with guerrilla and terrorist tactics.   This training was aimed at providing dwarves with the possibility to fight against a force that was better equipped and far greater in number. Once these dwarves were properly trained, they could be used to deal crushing blows to the Drow military capabilities, without needing much support, supplies and planning from Colonia.   These feared dwarven guerrilla troops became known as the Derkon. For years they would create many problems for the Drow, until the very end of the Great War. When the Great War was finally ended however, their attention soon turned to a new target.

  • 11825 A.C.

    26 /9

    Ascension of Emperor Althromb
    Political event

    Today the rule over Colonia is handed over to Don Althromb. He replaces Reinhart Regis, who has been assassinated.

  • 11840 A.C.

    7 /2

    Destruction of the cathedral of Hextor
    Disaster / Destruction

    This day, right at the time of morning prayer, a resounding blast rocks the city as a large central section of the massive landmark known as the Cathedral of Hextor is blown out and over the nearby square and buildings. It marks a major change in the general atmosphere in the city, as well as the way dwarves and some other races are treated.