History of the Scuffling Partizans

As they have their own epic adventures to keep track of, the famous adventuring party has its own timeline.

Before Partizans

0 59999

All history before the Partizans first meet.

Years of Partizans

60000 and beyond

All years the adventuring group have gone trough together.

  • 1 Y.P.

    4 Light Returning

    The Scuffling Partizans are formed

    In a bar in Neverwinter, known as the Stiff Drink, a dwarf named Gundren Rockseeker is searching for guards to accompany him and his mining supplies to the town of Phandalin. He manages to find 4 people to take the mission. They are a dwarven barbarian named Bilbo, an elven bard named Aezumin Quiyire, an elven sorceress named Ruvyn and a half-elven rogue named Razyl.

  • 1 Y.P.

    6 Light Returning

    Meeting Bahamin
    Life, Relationship change

    The Scuffling Partizans meet with the mysterious Bahamin while camped near the crossroads of the Triboar Trail and the Sword Coast Highway. He explains the situation of the pantheon and grants the adventurers some boons.

    Additional timelines
  • 1 Y.P.

    7 Light Returning
    1 Y.P.

    8 Light Returning

    Clearing the Cragmaw Hideout

    After having been ambushed by goblins along the Triboar Trail, the Scuffling Partizans followed the goblin's tracks to their hideout. They entered the cave at the end of a trail, cleared it of goblins and freed the captive Sildar Hallwinter.

  • 1 Y.P.

    10 Light Returning

    Arrival at Phandalin

    The Scuffling Partizans arrive at the town called Phandalin, thus ending their mission to escort the provisions to this location. At Barthen's Provisions they are paid for their services.

    Additional timelines
  • 1 Y.P.

    11 Light Returning
    1 Y.P.

    12 Light Returning

    Clearing Tresendar Manor

    Entering the cellar of Tresendar Manor and subsequently finding their way to the office of Iarno Albrek, the Partizans make this person, also known as Glassstaff flee the village of Phandalin. With this act they also free the imprisoned Dendrar family and end the threat of the Redbrands in Phandalin.

  • 1 Y.P.

    13 Light Returning

    Ian leaves the Partizans

    Being visited by the archdruid Thirberos Celevorn, Ian is requested to come along to the continent of Arctaria, where strange things are happening in the Golden Forest. Thirberos changes into a giant eagle and bears her away from the Town Green in Phandalin.

  • 1 Y.P.

    14 Light Returning
    1 Y.P.

    17 Light Returning

    First mission to Cragmaw Castle

    Having learned to location of Cragmaw Castle, the Scuffling Partizans set out in search of Gundren Rockseeker. The strength of their opposition seems too large however, and they need to flee the castle, leaving the captured Aezumin Quiyire behind.

  • 1 Y.P.

    17 Light Returning

    Randy Jones joins the Partizans
    Life, Relationship change

    Having been sent to Phandalin on a mission from the Order of the Gauntlet, the half-orc Randy Jones is introduced to the Scuffling Partizans by his old army buddy Daran Edermath. He agrees to help the group of adventurers in their second attempt to clear Cragmaw Castle.

  • 1 Y.P.

    18 Light Returning
    1 Y.P.

    21 Light Returning

    Second mission to Cragmaw Castle

    The second mission to Cragmaw Castle is joined by a number of villagers from Phandalin and very successful. The leader of the castle, King Grol is slain, and both Aezumin Quiyire and Sticky Fingers are freed. For Gundren Rockseeker however the help has come too late.

  • 1 Y.P.

    19 Light Returning

    Sticky joins the Partizans
    Life, Relationship change

    In the personal chambers of King Grol the Scuffling Partizans find an imprisoned gnome next to their party member Aezumin Quiyire. This gnome Sticky Fingers joins their number hoping to combine his own quest with any of theirs.

  • 1 Y.P.

    22 Light Returning
    1 Y.P.

    27 Light Returning

    Visiting the Banshee

    Having been reminded of Ace's mission of bringing a comb to the banshee known as Agatha Melitha, the Scuffling Partizans head north to Conyberry. They manage to find the banshee, but Ace has also forgotten he was supposed to find out the location of the spellbook of the legendary mage Arthur Bowgentle. In stead they get her to disclose the location of Wave Echo Cave.

  • 1 Y.P.

    28 Light Returning

    Meeting Saint Claws
    Life, Relationship change

    Being on the way to Wyvern Tor the Scuffling Partizans meet with a strange individual named Saint Claws. He presents all members with a personalized rhyme and item.

  • 1 Y.P.

    31 Light Returning

    A Paladin's Mount
    Life, Relationship change

    In the caves beneath Wyvern Tor the Partizans come across a War Wagon decorated with gory skulls and limbs and filled with loot. Soon the group notices movement on the cart and soon they discover a wounded and tied up Hippogriff on top of the wagon. They free the proud beast and attend to its wounds, and Randy Jones soon bonds with it to make a loyal mount of the beast.

  • 1 Y.P.

    31 Light Returning

    Taking care of the Orcs of Wyvern Tor

    Having decided the threat of Orcs in the area needs to be dealt with before moving on to Wave Echo Cave, the Scuffling Partizans enter the caves at Wyvern Tor. Considering the orcs to be too many to fight all at once, Randy Jones challenges the chieftain Brughor Axe-biter to a duel. True to their word, the Orc troop leaves the area following the victory of Randy.

  • 1 Y.P.

    33 Light Returning
    1 Y.P.

    36 Light Returning

    Exploring Wave Echo Cave
    Discovery, Exploration

    Having followed the instructions of Agatha Melitha the Scuffling Partizans find the hidden entrance to Wave Echo Cave. They venture in and eventually find both the Forge of Spells, and the base of operations of Nezznar Iathrana a.k.a. The Black Spider. They manage to make him retreat and capture his consort, as well as the two remaining dwarf brothers, Tharden Rockseeker and Nundro Rockseeker. Upon exiting the caves however, they are ambushed by an army of gnomes from West Conea, and relieved of their prisoners.

  • 1 Y.P.

    5 Cold Leaving

    Visiting Sildar Hallwinter
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Scuffling Partizans have returned to Neverwinter to end the mission from Sildar Hallwinter to seek the remaining Rockseekers. They are paid for their efforts and get themselves informed on some wanted posters at the guardhouse of Neverwinter Castle.

  • 1 Y.P.

    6 Cold Leaving

    Disappearance of Ace

    Travelling through the city of Neverwinter, Ace walks off on business of his own, and never returns. The Partizans saw their paths were diverging, but they have no idea what ever happened to Aezumin Quiyire.

  • 1 Y.P.

    7 Cold Leaving

    Destruction of the cathedral of Hextor
    Disaster / Destruction

    This day, right at the time of morning prayer, a resounding blast rocks the city as a large central section of the massive landmark known as the Cathedral of Hextor is blown out and over the nearby square and buildings. It marks a major change in the general atmosphere in the city, as well as the way dwarves and some other races are treated.

  • 1 Y.P.

    29 Last Tempests
    1 Y.P.

    31 Last Tempests

    The Partizans at Dûredain
    Diplomatic action

    Having immediately gone in search of the terrorists that blew up the cathedral, the Scuffling Partizans have traveled quite a few weeks underground. Finally they reach the borders of the great underground city-state of Dûredain, where they explain their mission and are escorted to the city's courthouse. Under the strict rules of the religious justice of Moradin, The Derkon perpetrators are tried and convicted to be handed over into the custody of the Partizans.

  • 1 Y.P.

    17 Life Renewed

    Ruvyn leaves the Partizans

    Back from Dûredain with The Derkon prisoners, and having delivered them into the custody of general Georgio Armici Cristardo, the Partizans go to visit Vandala Maz'Trawa. Here they discover that since Ruvyn last was transported to Ehlonna's Grove, she decided to rather stay here working on controlling her magic, than living the dangerous and regularly painful life of adventuring.

  • 1 Y.P.

    20 Life Renewed

    Derkon terrorists face justice
    Civil action

    Upon learning that The Derkon terrorists have been captured and imprisoned at the Neverwinter Base, the Council of Wise Men quickly order them to be brought before judge Reginald Stark to be tried. Here the terrorists are sentenced to imprisonment at Hog Hamlet Marine Base. General Georgio Armici Cristardo is not pleased with this result and expresses this to Randy Jones.

  • 1 Y.P.

    22 Life Renewed

    Ambush at the Naval Yard
    Criminal Activity

    As The Derkon are transported to the ship waiting to take them to Hog Hamlet Marine Base, the guards are attacked by a group of dwarves wanting to free the prisoners. In the middle of battle a group of The Black Robes and some hired thugs appear on the scene and attack the guards in the rear. At this point some members of The Foxes that had been watching from a distance, get involved and together with the Partizans all assailants are defeated or routed. In the aftermath of the skirmish, the Foxes make clear that there are only two possible outcomes they accept. Either the terrorists are handed over to them, or they are to be executed on the spot. Not having much choice in the matter, being wholly outmanned, Randy Jones eventually agrees to the latter, and volunteers to carry out the execution himself.

    Additional timelines
  • 1 Y.P.

    23 Life Renewed

    General Cristardo sent to Ariandur
    Life, Relocation

    Following the decision of the Council of Wise Men to go to war against the terrorist threat to Colonia, General Georgio Armici Cristardo is sent on a military mission to the mountains near the Ariandur Kingdom to find and defeat The Derkon camps suspected to be found here.

    Additional timelines
  • 1 Y.P.

    23 Life Renewed

    Smugglers at the north gate
    Criminal Activity

    Having overheard a conversation about some illicit activity at the North Gate, the Partizans decide to spy on the goings-on there. In the dead of night they see how a group of dwarves, loyal to Harald MacIntyre, buy off the guard to look the other way and proceed with carrying a number of chests and barrels into the Outsiders. Not trusting the goals of Harald yet, the Partizans confront the dwarves, only to learn that they are transporting much needed food and provisions to the alleviate the suffering of the quarter's population. The Partizans then decide to aid the dwarves in their mission, feeling sorry for causing some delay.

  • 1 Y.P.

    25 Life Renewed
    1 Y.P.

    29 Life Renewed

    Mission to find Reidoth

    Having met with Vandala Maz'Trawa again, the Partizans have been charged with finding out what has happened to her friend, the druid Reidoth Paleflower. They are transported to the nearby ruined town of Thundertree and proceed scout the area. Finding the ruins inhabited by a green dragon, they fail to prevent having to fight the monster, but defeat him in a glorious battle. Next the Partizans are attacked by some members of The Black Robes that seemed intent on negotiating with the dragon. With the help of some suddenly appearing monks, actually Vhalak and Vyerith, they manage to win this battle as well and manage to free Reidoth and take him back to lady Maz'Trawa.

  • 1 Y.P.

    25 Life Renewed

    Present of Dragons
    Life, Relationship change

    Almost immediately following arrival near the town of Thundertree through the teleportation of lady Vandala Maz'Trawa, the Partizans come across a Gold Guard Drake, wounded and entangled into the undergrowth. Bilbo, having seen the creature in his dreams, immediately bonds with the creature and names it Becka.

  • 1 Y.P.

    30 Life Renewed

    Scaramouche joins the Partizans
    Life, Relationship change

    Requested by Vandala Maz'Trawa to return to her once more, because she has something that might help the Partizans, they head back to Ehlonna's Grove. Here they are introduced to Scaramouche Fandango who has just been sent to the grove by Reidoth Paleflower who found Scaramouche entering the Prime Material. It is suggested that his mission runs parallel to those of the Partizans and they might prove useful to one another.

  • 1 Y.P.

    31 Life Renewed

    New General in Neverwinter
    Life, Career

    Having been sent promptly from the capital Lavantonon, to replace General Georgio Armici Cristardo, general Domhnall Rum takes over command over the military forces of Neverwinter.

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