
Balios is a malevolent deity known for his insatiable appetite for violence and bloodshed. He is often depicted as a towering figure, cloaked in darkness, with eyes that gleam with an unnerving thirst for death. His presence exudes an aura of dread and malevolence, and his followers revere him as the master of murder and sacrifice.

Divine Domains

Murder and Sacrifice


Blade of the Bloodletter: A sacrificial dagger forged in the fires of darkness, said to drink the blood of its victims and grant its wielder unholy power. Crimson Shroud: A blood-soaked cloak worn by high-ranking members of the Covenant of Crimson Shadows, said to grant them invisibility in the shadows. Skull Chalice: An ornate chalice used in sacrificial rituals, believed to channel the essence of sacrificed souls to Balios.

Holy Books & Codes

The Crimson Tome

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A blood-red, inverted pentagram with a dagger thrust through its center and an open eye weeping blood

Tenets of Faith

Embrace the Shadows: Followers are taught to revel in darkness and secrecy, finding strength in the shroud of night. Offer Blood as Tribute: Sacrifices are deemed sacred acts of devotion, and blood is the most precious offering to Balios. Fulfill the Murderous Urge: Devotees are encouraged to act upon their murderous desires, seeing them as divine impulses from Balios. Keep the Covenant: The Shadow Oath binds followers to a life of loyalty and secrecy, demanding their unwavering commitment to the Covenant of Crimson Shadows. Spread Fear and Despair: Worshipers believe that the acts of violence and sacrifice they commit in Balios's name sow fear and despair among mortals, furthering their dark lord's influence.
Divine Classification
Parents (Adopting)
Ruled Locations