Eren (Air-N)

Divine Domains

War Destruction Violence


The Blade of Calamity Helm of Chaos Vestige of War

Holy Books & Codes

The Art of War

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An axe A sword A blood red handprint

Tenets of Faith

Might Makes Right: Strength and power are the ultimate virtues. Those who are strong shall rule, and the weak must either serve or perish.   Embrace Conflict: Conflict is a natural and necessary part of existence. War and destruction are tools to purify and strengthen the soul.   Honor the Fallen: Those who die in battle are to be honored. Their sacrifices pave the way for greater glory.   Chaos Breeds Strength: Order and peace lead to stagnation. Chaos and destruction forge resilience and greatness.


To create we must destroy, Reap and sowe

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Spread Conflict: Encourage wars and conflicts to strengthen the mortal realms and purify the weak.   Destruction for Renewal: Use destruction as a tool for renewal and rebirth. From the ashes of chaos, new strength arises.   Cultivate Warriors: Foster the rise of powerful warriors who will carry out his will and spread his influence.



Eran's reign is characterized by perpetual conflict and strife. His influence spreads wherever there is war, violence, and chaos. His presence is felt on battlefields and in the hearts of warriors.

Contacts & Relations

The Red Hand: A cult dedicated to worshiping Eran and spreading his influence through acts of war and destruction.   Warriors and Mercenaries: Eran is often revered by those who live by the sword, seeking his favor in battles.   Rival Gods: He has a contentious relationship with gods of peace, order, and creation.

Family Ties

Ealdir (King of the Gods)
Yxtarr (Goddess of Death)
  • Inagi
Children: Khan (God of the Hunt) Nidses (Goddess of Strategy, Soldiers, and War)

Wealth & Financial state

Eran's wealth is measured not in gold or treasures, but in the strength of his followers and the extent of his influence over conflicts and wars. His artifacts, such as the Blade of Calamity and the Helm of Chaos, are symbols of his immense power.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of War The Destructive Bringer of Chaos Warlord of Baartor General of Hell
Glowing Red
Ruled Locations


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