
Baartor, also known as the Nine Hells, is the dominion of death.   Layers: The Nine Hells consists of Nine distinct layers, each with its own unique characteristics and themes. The last of these layers is home to the House of Decay, the palace where the goddess Yxtarr and her fellow gods of the pantheon of death reside.   Infernal Hierarchy: The Nine Hells is usually ruled by powerful archdevils or archdukes, each of whom governs one of the nine layers. These rulers are highly intelligent and malevolent beings who enforce strict laws and codes of conduct within their domains.   Alignment: The Nine Hells is typically associated with the alignment of lawful evil. It is a place where order, hierarchy, and tyranny are highly valued, and evil deeds are often performed with methodical precision.   Punishment and Damnation: Many depictions of the Nine Hells involve the concept of punishment and damnation for souls deemed deserving of such fate. Souls are often sent to specific layers of the Nine Hells as a form of retribution for their actions in life, and they may undergo various forms of torment and suffering.   Environmental Diversity: Each layer of the Nine Hells has its own unique environment and challenges. For example, one layer might be a fiery wasteland filled with rivers of molten lava, while another might be a frozen, desolate realm covered in ice and snow. The environments often reflect the nature of the layer's ruler.   Inhabitants: The Nine Hells is home to a variety of fiendish creatures, including devils, demons, and other infernal beings. Devils are typically the dominant inhabitants and are known for their scheming, treacherous nature, and their desire to expand their power and influence.


Baarator, also known as the Nine Hells, is a collection of nine distinct landmasses floating in the abyss, connected by the spiraling River Styx. Each layer has its own unique landscape, environment, and purpose, reflecting the various aspects of damnation and punishment. Here’s a detailed overview of each layer:  

1. The Land of Lost Souls (Dis)

  Description: Dis is an endless grey cracked barren wasteland where those who were not blatantly evil but not good enough to enter heaven (or Elysium) reside.   Environment: Perpetual state of limbo; inhabitants do not eat, drink, or think.   Effects: The longer souls remain, the less human they become, eventually turning into mindless zombies.  

2. The Wasteland of Regret (Stygia)

  Description: Stygia is a vast frozen wasteland of ice and glaciers.   Environment: Mighty icebergs drift in icy seas, and the land is covered in snow and frost. Bitter cold and blizzards are ever-present.   Effects: Associated with betrayal and treachery. Souls are often frozen alive due to thoughts of regret and guilt, making them wallow in their shame.  

3. The Oasis of Lust (Maladomini)

  Description: Maladomini is an isle of sprawling green fields and crystal blue waters with lush vegetation and overall beautiful aesthetics.   Environment: Initially beautiful, but the more time souls spend here, the more twisted the environment becomes.   Effects: Fruit erupts with maggots, and pleasurable acts turn sadistic. Inhabitants can have whatever they want but are never satisfied.  

4. The Desert of Hunger (Cania)

  Description: Cania is a vast desert where any food or drink consumed turns to sand, leaving residents eternally hungry.   Environment: Endless sands and harsh sun, with mirages and illusions adding to the torment.  

5. The Badlands of Torment (Avernus)

  Description: Avernus is the homeland of demons, where infernal cities overlook vast lands of torment.   Environment: Fiery landscapes with lakes of lava and fire. Chains hang from above, suspending victims to be tortured.   Effects: Souls are tortured by demons, enduring endless pain and suffering.  

6. The Isle of Anguish (Malbolge)

  Description: Malbolge is a realm of twisted and surreal landscapes with constantly shifting terrain.   Environment: Canyons, chasms, and bizarre rock formations. Gravity is unpredictable, and reality warps and distorts.   Effects: Souls are tortured with personal visions, experiencing a blend of PTSD and schizophrenia-like symptoms.  

7. The Fields of Wrath (Minauros)

  Description: Minauros is a swampy and filthy realm dominated by vast stagnant marshes.   Environment: Filled with poisonous waters, thick mud, and rotting vegetation. The air is foul, and the terrain is treacherous.   Effects: Known for its trade in souls, where souls are often bargained for and exchanged.  

8. The Forest of Corruption (Phlegethos)

  Description: Phlegethos is a land of dense and decaying forests, bare of leaves and filled with all kinds of monsters.   Environment: At its core lies the Hole of Shadow, a massive crater-like hole that is a portal to Shadowfell, the domain of Xora, the goddess of darkness.   Effects: Souls here are corrupted and transformed into monstrous beings.  

9. Palace of Yxtarr (Nessus)

  Description: Nessus is the ninth and final layer, the heart of the Nine Hells and the domain of the Yxtarr.   Environment: A massive, fortress-like city built around a central spire that reaches into the heavens. The architecture is grand and oppressive.   Effects: It is where the ultimate machinations of the Nine Hells are orchestrated.  

Connection via the River Styx

  Description: The River Styx spirals down through the nine layers, connecting them. It is the primary means of travel between the layers.   Environment: Dark, swirling waters that are treacherous and filled with the souls of the damned.

Fauna & Flora


  Hellfire Plants: These sinister, blackened plants thrive in the fiery landscapes of the Nine Hells. They often emit a sickly, greenish glow and are known to feed on the souls of the damned who find themselves in this plane.   Bloodthorn Vines: These vines are covered in sharp, blood-red thorns. They are often found in Minauros, the swampy layer of the Nine Hells, and are known to drain the life force from anyone who touches them.   Soul-Drinking Trees: These eerie trees are known to grow in Phlegethos, where they draw sustenance from the ever-present flames. Their bark is as hard as iron, and their roots are said to reach deep into the souls of the damned.  


  Hellhounds: Hellhounds are infernal creatures that resemble large, menacing dogs with fiery breath. They are often used as guardians and hunting companions by devils.   Nupperibos: Nupperibos are small, pathetic demons with deformed bodies and limited intelligence. They are often found in the service of more powerful fiends and are considered the lowest of the demon hierarchy.   Barbed Devils: Barbed devils, also known as hamatulas, are devilish creatures with spiky, barbed tails that they use as weapons. They serve as enforcers and torturers in the Nine Hells.   Pit Fiends: Pit fiends are among the most powerful devils in the Nine Hells. They are massive, hulking creatures with powerful magic and immense strength. They often serve as generals and commanders in the infernal armies.   Infernal Insects: Various types of infernal insects, such as fire beetles and scorpions, can be found throughout the Nine Hells. They have adapted to the harsh environments of the plane and are often used by devils for various purposes.   Succubi and Incubi: These seductive demons are known for their ability to manipulate and tempt mortals. They often serve as spies and manipulators in the Nine Hells.
Alternative Name(s)
The Nine Hells
Plane of Existence