Victor Vane

Dread King Victor Charles Vane (a.k.a. Devil)

Victor Vane, the formidable Dread King of the Court of Blackheart and captain of the notorious ship Black Doom, is a towering figure, with an imposing muscular build that speaks to his years of combat and seafaring. His once monstrous reputation as the worst human to sail the seas has gradually transformed into that of a strategic and inspiring leader, driven by a promise to his late friend and rival, William Blackheart. Victor's rugged face is marked by a jet black eye capable of seeing through magical darkness and a deep crimson eye, set beneath a mane of ashen hair and a beard sporadically scorched, reflecting the internal struggle with the Shadowbind Plague. A prominent scar wraps around his neck, a testament to his survival and resilience. Known for his charismatic leadership and unwavering determination, Victor wields a Murakumogiri both as a deadly weapon and a walking stick. Despite his fearsome presence, he strives to maintain a code of honor and seeks redemption, balancing his dark past with a desire to inspire loyalty and respect among his crew. His wealth and position afford him a high standard of hygiene, and his strategic mind is matched only by his physical prowess, making him a revered and feared pirate king.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Victor Vane is an imposing figure standing at 6'5" and weighing 270 lbs. His body is extremely muscular, a testament to his years of physical combat and harsh life at sea. However, the Shadowbind Plague has taken its toll on him, causing chronic fatigue and periods of weakness despite his otherwise robust physique.

Body Features

Height: 6'5" Weight: 270 lbs Build: Extremely muscular and broad-shouldered, with powerful limbs. Skin: Tanned and weathered from years at sea, with various scars marking his body from numerous battles.

Facial Features

Eyes: One jet black eye capable of seeing through any magical darkness or detecting invisibility, and one deep crimson eye. Beard and Hair: An ashen beard with scorched hairs sporadically mixed in, matching his similarly scorched and ashen hair. Scars: A prominent scar wraps around his neck, suggesting he survived a severe throat injury. Expression: His face often carries a stern, almost menacing expression, with deep lines etched by years of hardship and leadership.

Identifying Characteristics

The contrast between his jet black and deep crimson eyes is striking and immediately recognizable. His ashen beard and hair with scorched strands. The neck scar is a distinctive mark, hinting at a past close encounter with death.

Physical quirks

Uses a Murakumogiri (a type of naginata) as both a weapon and a walking stick, often tapping it rhythmically as he walks. His eyes occasionally flicker with a dark, unsettling light, especially when he is under the influence of the Shadowbind Plague. Periodically experiences tremors in his hands due to the strain of controlling the malevolent spirit within him.

Special abilities

Dark Vision: His jet black eye grants him the ability to see through any magical darkness and detect invisible entities, giving him a significant advantage in both combat and navigation. Oni's Strength: Despite his fatigue, Victor's strength remains formidable, allowing him to wield his Murakumogiri with deadly precision. Devil's Resilience: His experience and the enchantments on his equipment make him highly resistant to both physical and magical attacks. Aura of Dread: Victor's presence can instill fear in his enemies, making them hesitant and prone to mistakes during confrontations.

Apparel & Accessories

Clothing: Wears a long, dark coat adorned with silver buckles and lined with protective enchantments. Beneath the coat, he dons a tailored black shirt and sturdy, dark pants designed for both mobility and protection. Boots: Heavy, reinforced leather boots that thud ominously with each step. Accessories: Often wears a broad leather belt with various pouches for carrying essential items, including potions and charms to help control his illness.

Specialized Equipment

Sea Cleaver: His primary weapon and walking stick, an elegantly crafted naginata with a razor-sharp blade. It is enchanted to be unbreakable and deadly against both physical and magical foes. Amulet of Control: A pendant that helps him maintain control over the Shadowbind Plague, containing a rare gemstone infused with calming magic. Cloak of Shadows: A cloak that allows him to blend into the darkness, making him nearly invisible at night or in dimly lit areas, it was a gift to him by William Blackheart.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Victor Vane, the notorious "Dread King," hails from the rugged city of Dragonmist, located on the island east of the landmass of Solim. Born into a family of seafarers, Victor's early years were shaped by the harsh realities of life on the sea and the unforgiving nature of the coastal city. He quickly learned the skills needed to survive and thrive in this environment, showing a natural aptitude for leadership and strategy. As a young man, Vane crossed paths with William Blackheart, the first Dread King, and the two became both fierce rivals and close friends. Their relationship was marked by competition and mutual respect, driving both to greater heights of piracy and infamy.


Victor's education was unconventional. He learned navigation, combat, and strategy from seasoned pirates and sailors, honing his skills through experience rather than formal schooling. His intelligence and cunning allowed him to absorb knowledge quickly, and he became well-versed in the lore of the sea, the history of piracy, and the art of warfare.


Victor Vane's career was built on the deck of a pirate ship. He rose through the ranks, proving himself through daring raids, successful heists, and his ability to lead men in battle. His reputation for ruthlessness and tactical brilliance earned him the respect and fear of both his allies and enemies. Upon the death of William Blackheart, Victor inherited the title of Dread King, and created the Court of Blackheart, an organization to unite pirates. His leadership solidified the organization’s power, expanding its influence and wealth.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Successfully led numerous high-stakes raids, amassing great wealth and treasure for the Court of Blackheart. Unified the various factions into the Court of Blackheart under his rule, maintaining stability and loyalty among the pirates. Established a network of spies and informants, allowing him to stay one step ahead of his enemies and rivals. Earned a fearsome reputation that made him both respected and dreaded across the seas.

Failures & Embarrassments

Struggled with bouts of sadistic behavior in his younger years, leading to unnecessary cruelty and loss of potential allies. Lost several key battles early in his career due to overconfidence, resulting in heavy casualties and setbacks for his crew. His possession by the Shadowbind Plague was initially seen as a weakness, causing some to question his ability to lead.

Mental Trauma

Victor's possession by the Shadowbind Plague has been a source of immense mental strain. The constant battle against the malevolent spirit within him has taken a toll on his psyche, leading to periods of intense anger and violence. His efforts to control the illness have also weakened his physical health, adding to his burden.

Intellectual Characteristics

Victor is highly intelligent, with a strategic mind and an ability to think several steps ahead of his opponents. He is a quick learner, adaptable, and resourceful, always finding ways to turn situations to his advantage. His knowledge of the sea, piracy, and warfare is extensive, making him a formidable leader and tactician.

Morality & Philosophy

Victor's morality is complex. While he is capable of great cruelty and ruthlessness, especially under the influence of the Shadowbind Plague, he also possesses a code of honor and loyalty. He believes in the strength of leadership and the importance of maintaining power and order within the Court of Blackheart. His philosophy is pragmatic, valuing results over methods, and he is willing to make difficult decisions for the greater good of his organization.


Victor abhors betrayal and disloyalty above all else, considering them the greatest sins among his crew. He has a deep aversion to weakness and despises those who show cowardice or incompetence. Despite his ruthless nature, he forbids unnecessary cruelty or sadism among his crew, a reflection of his struggle to control his own darker impulses.

Personality Characteristics


Victor Vane’s primary motivation is to honor the legacy of his late friend and rival, William Blackheart. He seeks to transform his reputation from that of a monstrous pirate to an inspiring leader. This drive is fueled by his promise to Blackheart and his desire to leave a positive impact on the Court of Blackheart and the broader world.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

He is a Master strategist and tactician who is skilled in combat, particularly with his blade the Sea Cleaver. He is an imposing leader capable of rallying and inspiring his crew, with expert skills in navigation, and knowledge on the dark and occult.   However, he struggles with deep personal relationships due to his past. His quick temper gives him limited patience for diplomatic negotiations, often preferring direct action. and he has difficulty in fully suppressing his sadistic tendencies, especially under stress

Likes & Dislikes

He likes tales of heroism and redemption, often having a woman read to him most nights. He frequently plays strategic games and puzzles when he is not researching rare artifacts and ancient lore. He has a sweet-tooth and a soft spot for candies.   He dispises cowardice, incompetence, bureaucracy and needless formalities. And his dislikes fish, living off a mainly vegitarian diet.

Virtues & Personality perks

Victor is determined and resolute, never backing down from a challenge. He also is honorable, adhering to a personal code of ethics, when not under the effects of his illness. Years of exploration and research have shown he is highly intelligent and resourceful.   He has remarkable physical strength and combat prowess making him both respected and feared by allies and enemies alike. Ontop of this he as the Dread King has the wealth and resources of the Court of Blackheart at his disposal.

Vices & Personality flaws

Vane struggles with sadistic impulses and violent tendencies which cause bouts of rage and aggression, especially under stress. he is haunted by his past actions and his health is deteriorating due to him fighting his compulsions. He often turns to the drink to quell himself.   Vane has difficulty in fully trusting others, even his closest allies, which may be caused by the physical and mental fatigue from his illness. He has occasional lapses in judgment when overwhelmed by the plague’s influence, and due to that has a tendency to isolate himself to protect others from his darker side.

Personality Quirks

Victor frequently taps his blade rhythmically when deep in thought or stressed. His eyes flicker with a dark light during moments of intense emotion. When he has outbursts he often recites nautical lore and pirate tales to calm himself. He also has a habit of staring into the distance, as if seeing something others cannot.


Victor is a relatively hygienic man, maintaining a high standard of cleanliness despite his rugged lifestyle. His wealth and position allow him access to fine grooming tools and bath facilities, which he utilizes regularly to keep a presentable appearance.

Representation & Legacy

Victor Vane’s legacy is a complex one. He is remembered as a fearsome pirate who terrorized the seas but also as a leader who sought redemption and transformation. His efforts to honor William Blackheart’s legacy and become an inspiring leader have reshaped the Court of Blackheart, creating a more united and respected organization. Despite his dark past, Victor’s journey toward redemption and his struggle with the Shadowbind Plague serve as a testament to his strength and determination. His legacy is one of fear, respect, and an ongoing quest for a balance between darkness and light.



Victor Vane ascended to the throne of the Dread King after the death of William Blackheart. His reign has been marked by a shift from sheer terror and ruthlessness to a more calculated and strategic approach to leadership. Despite his illness, he has managed to maintain control over the Court of Blackheart and expand its influence.

Contacts & Relations

Allies:   Members of the Court of Blackheart, including other pirate captains and trusted advisors Various black market dealers and smugglers who provide him with rare goods and information Enchanters and alchemists who supply him with potions and charms to help control the Shadowbind Plague   Rivals:   Competing pirate factions and their leaders Naval forces and bounty hunters seeking to capture or kill him Powerful merchants and traders who oppose piracy   Notable Relations:   William Blackheart (deceased): Former friend and rival, whose legacy Victor seeks to honor Orion Crosswind (deceased): Former member of the Blackheart 5 Mako Maunekea (deceased): Former member of the Blackheart 5 Gianni Mai (deceased): Former member of the Blackheart 5 Cassius Grant (deceased): Former member of the Blackheart 5

Social Aptitude

Victor Vane is a charismatic and imposing figure. He can inspire loyalty and fear in equal measure, and his leadership style is both commanding and persuasive. Despite his dark past, he has learned to project a sense of honor and purpose, making him a respected leader among his peers.

Hobbies & Pets

Pets: Victor has a pet Phoenix named Cass.   Hobbies: Strategic games and puzzles, which help keep his mind sharp Collecting rare artifacts and nautical lore Telling and listening to tales of heroism and adventure Practicing combat techniques to maintain his physical prowess


Victor's speech is commanding and authoritative, laced with a deep, gravelly tone that reflects his years of experience and the weight of his responsibilities. He speaks with confidence, often using nautical metaphors and references to the sea. During moments of intense emotion or when the Shadowbind Plague takes over, his voice becomes darker and more menacing, filled with an otherworldly resonance.

Wealth & Financial state

Victor Vane possesses immense wealth amassed from years of successful piracy. His treasure hoard includes gold, jewels, rare artifacts, and enchanted items. This wealth allows him to maintain his fleet, bribe officials, and ensure the loyalty of his crew.
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Dread King Pirate Lord of the Court of Blackheart Captain of the Black Doom
One red one Jet black
Long wild ashen hair
270 lb
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Fear is a tool, and I am a shipwright." "The sea is my ally and my enemy, a balance I must keep." "In every shadow lies a sliver of light, and I will find it." "You think you know fear? But we haven't met before." "Mercy is for the weak. Lucky for you, you're weak." "Who among you wants be the first to fall?"
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization


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