Summoning the Hidden Ones

Era beginning/end

Valon's Speech of the Hidden

Valon's speech uniting the assassins of the Angels of Death under the cause for independence ence and revenge.

Amid the swirling shadows and the echoes of his audacious act, Valon Rahaeris, his eyes gleaming with a newfound intensity, stepped forward as an unexpected harbinger of change within the Angels of Death. His voice, low and resonant, carried through the dimly lit chamber of the Necropolis, reaching the ears of the gathered assassins who had once served under Renaesella's dominion.   "Brothers and sisters of the shadows," Valon's words cut through the tense silence, each syllable infused with conviction and an air of transformation. "We stand at the precipice of a new era, a realm untouched by the tendrils of servitude that have bound us for so long. For too long, we have operated in the shadows, pawns in a game played by unseen hands."   He paused, allowing his words to take root, his gaze sweeping over the attentive faces of the assassins. Valon's awareness of their grievances ran deep, a keen understanding of the resentment they harbored towards the necromancers who had directed their actions.   "We are the harbingers of our own destiny," Valon's voice surged with an undercurrent of fervor. "No longer shall we dance to the whims of those who view us as mere tools. Our skills, our talents, our very existence—it is time to forge our own path, one that aligns with the true essence of our purpose."   A murmur of agreement rippled through the gathering, the assassins exchanging glances of uncertainty and curiosity. Valon's speech had struck a chord, awakening a yearning for autonomy and meaning that had long lain dormant.   "United by a new dedication, one to the goddess Revani, we shall transcend the confines that have held us captive," Valon declared, his tone unwavering. "No longer shall we be instruments of another's design. With Revani's power coursing through our veins, we shall shape our own destiny, striking fear into the hearts of those who would dare to oppose us."   Valon's words were met with a renewed energy, an undercurrent of fervent determination that began to fill the air. The assassins, their allegiance tugged by the promise of autonomy and purpose, exchanged glances that spoke volumes of their shared conviction.   "Our brethren have been shackled by these necromancers' strings for far too long," Valon's voice resonated with a mixture of passion and resolve. "It is time to rise, to cast aside the chains that have bound us, and to embrace a new dawn. Together, we shall carve a legacy that echoes through the annals of history—a legacy of power, vengeance, and revenge."

Related Location
The Necropolis
Related timelines & articles
The History of The Dark Ones