Angels of Death

The Angels of Death, an enigmatic and ominous secret occult society, cast a chilling veil over the realm of Idorin as they manipulate, scheme, and strike from the shadows. Born from the depths of arcane knowledge and wielders of sinister powers, their unholy alliance of assassins, hitmen, and necromancers is dedicated to a lofty ambition: controlling the world government of Idorin with a grip as cold as death itself.  
Origins Shrouded in Obscurity:
The origins of the Angels of Death remain cloaked in mystery, their emergence lost to the annals of time. Legends suggest that they trace their lineage back to a time when forbidden knowledge and dark arts were first harnessed, weaving an intricate tapestry that binds them to the shadows of Idorin's history.  
A Triumvirate of Power:
The Angels of Death are led by a triumvirate of malevolent figures, each embodying a distinct aspect of their unholy pursuits. The Shadowmancer, a master of necromantic arts, manipulates the forces of death to further their goals. The Deathbringer, an assassin of unparalleled skill and ruthlessness, ensures that those who oppose them meet a swift and unrelenting end. The Mindweaver, a sinister manipulator of thoughts and perceptions, orchestrates the intricate web of deception and control that envelopes their targets.  
Arcane Headquarters - The Necropolis:
The epicenter of their operations is the Necropolis, a sprawling and ominous complex hidden beneath the city of Xianthar. This labyrinthine fortress serves as both a haven for their nefarious activities and a beacon of dark power, a place where necromantic rituals are conducted and sinister plots are hatched. The Necropolis is adorned with morbid iconography and shadowy altars, a testament to their devotion to death and control.  
Necromantic Machinations:
Necromancers within the Angels of Death wield their dark arts to manipulate the fabric of life and death itself. They raise the fallen as obedient thralls, extracting forbidden secrets from the realm beyond the veil and wielding this knowledge to their advantage. The echoes of their chilling incantations resonate through the corridors of power, as the very souls of the departed become pawns in their insidious game.  
Assassins of Silent Dread:
The Angels of Death boast a cadre of assassins whose reputation is as chilling as their methods. These Deathbringers move with uncanny grace and wield a mastery of a myriad of deadly techniques. Clad in shadows and donning masks that bear the semblance of death's visage, they leave behind only whispers of their victims' passing, shrouding their actions in an aura of silent dread.  
Invisible Threads of Manipulation:
The Mindweavers, adept in the arts of manipulation and illusion, weave intricate webs of deceit to ensnare those who stand in their path. With a mere thought, they infiltrate the minds of key figures, sowing seeds of doubt, paranoia, and allegiance, bending the will of politicians, generals, and rulers to their whims.  
The Grand Scheme - World Domination:
United by a grand ambition, the Angels of Death seek to control the world government of Idorin from the shadows, influencing policy, decisions, and actions through subterfuge and coercion. Their agents penetrate the highest echelons of power, ensuring that the realm's destiny aligns with their dark desires.   The Angels of Death, a malevolent confluence of necromancy, assassination, and manipulation, cast an inescapable pall over the fate of Idorin. In the cold grip of their arcane machinations, they orchestrate a symphony of death and control, weaving the threads of their sinister tapestry as they inch closer to the culmination of their unholy agenda.


Nexarch of Shadows:

At the pinnacle of the hierarchy stands the Nexarch of Shadows, the supreme leader of the Angels of Death, called Primus Mortis. This enigmatic figure is both feared and revered, wielding absolute authority over the organization. The Nexarch oversees all operations, decisions, and strategic directions of the Angels of Death, ensuring their objectives are achieved with ruthless efficiency.  

Lords of the Triumvirate:

Beneath the Nexarch, three high-ranking members known as the Lords of the Triumvirate hold distinct leadership positions, each responsible for a key aspect of the Angels of Death's operations:  
Lord of Necrosynergy:
Overseeing matters of necromancy and arcane knowledge, the Lord of Necrosynergy is a master of manipulating the forces of death and controlling the realm beyond the living.
Lord of Silent Shadows:
This figure commands the order's assassins, the Deathbringers, and ensures their lethal skills are wielded effectively. They plan and execute targeted assassinations with unwavering precision.
Lord of Veiled Manipulation:
Responsible for psychological warfare, espionage, and manipulation, the Lord of Veiled Manipulation guides the Mindweavers, who excel in infiltrating minds and influencing events from the shadows.  

Eidolons of the Echelons:

The next tier consists of the Eidolons of the Echelons, highly skilled and specialized operatives who oversee specific branches of the organization. They report directly to the Lords of the Triumvirate and execute their directives with utmost dedication.  

Specters of Subterfuge:

Operating as field commanders, the Specters of Subterfuge lead groups of operatives in executing missions, ensuring smooth coordination and adherence to the Angels of Death's objectives. They are experienced in various aspects of the organization's activities, from assassination to manipulation.  

Harbingers of Shadows:

These skilled members are the Angels of Death's operatives, carrying out missions under the guidance of higher-ranking members. They possess expertise in necromancy, assassination, or manipulation and are chosen for their loyalty and proficiency.  

Shadows' Acolytes:

Initiates who have proven their dedication and skill are inducted as Shadows' Acolytes. They undergo rigorous training in various disciplines and are mentored by higher-ranking members to prepare them for more complex tasks.  

Aspirants of Twilight:

Aspiring members who have been chosen for initiation, Aspirants of Twilight are in the process of proving their worth to the organization. They undergo trials and training to demonstrate their commitment and potential.   The hierarchy of the Angels of Death functions with a precise blend of arcane knowledge, strategic acumen, and lethal skill, allowing them to operate with meticulous precision and strike fear into the hearts of their adversaries from the shadows.


The culture of the Angels of Death is a macabre tapestry woven from darkness, mysticism, and an unwavering devotion to the pursuit of power and control. Rooted in their mastery of necromancy, assassination, and manipulation, their culture is shaped by their enigmatic practices, esoteric beliefs, and the chilling embrace of death itself.  
Obsession with Death and Beyond:
Central to the culture of the Angels of Death is an all-consuming fascination with death and the realm beyond. They view death not as an end, but as a means to transcendence and dominion. Necromantic rituals and the study of forbidden knowledge are revered as pathways to unlock the secrets of the afterlife, enabling them to manipulate and control the forces that bridge the gap between life and death.  
The Necropolis:
The heart of their culture lies within the Necropolis, their arcane headquarters. This sprawling labyrinth of shadowed chambers, adorned with symbols of death and necromancy, serves as a nexus of their activities. Here, rituals are conducted, secrets are unveiled, and decisions are made, solidifying their connection to the realm of the dead.  
Sculptors of Death:
The Angels of Death celebrate their mastery over death through intricate mortuary sculpture. They craft lifelike effigies of the deceased, which serve as both memorials and symbols of their connection to the beyond. These sculptures bear silent witness to the passage of time and the ephemeral nature of life, reflecting their reverence for the cycle of existence.  
Assassins of the Eternal Night:
The culture of assassination is deeply ingrained within the Angels of Death. Assassins, known as Deathbringers, are revered for their skill, precision, and dedication. The act of taking a life is seen as a sacred duty, a means to usher souls into the realm of the unknown, and a demonstration of the order's power to determine the course of existence.  
Veilwalkers of the Mind:
Mindweavers, skilled in manipulation and illusion, form another integral facet of the Angels of Death's culture. They infiltrate minds, distort perceptions, and weave intricate webs of deceit, playing puppeteers in the grand theater of life. Their artistry in bending the wills of others is seen as a manifestation of their control over the mortal realm.  
Whispers in the Shadows:
Communication within the Angels of Death is shrouded in secrecy. Members communicate in hushed whispers, coded messages, and subtle gestures. This atmosphere of intrigue and silence reinforces their mystique, emphasizing their existence within the shadows and their ability to remain hidden from prying eyes.  
Cult of the Veiled Triumvirate:
The triumvirate of leaders, known as the Lords of the Triumvirate, is venerated as embodiments of death's aspects—necromancy, assassination, and manipulation. Their commands are considered divine edicts, and their wisdom guides the organization's actions. The culture reveres them as harbingers of a higher purpose.  
Macabre Ceremonies:
The Angels of Death hold solemn ceremonies during full moons and other lunar marvels, believing that these moments signify a thinning of the veil between the realms, bringing Yxtarr to the mortal plane. These rituals involve necromantic invocations, live sacrifices, shadowed dances, and acts that symbolize the power and mercy of the Night Mother, Yxtarr.   The culture of the Angels of Death is an intricate interplay of death's mysteries, arcane power, and the pursuit of ultimate control. Their practices, beliefs, and rituals reflect a deep-seated understanding of the forces that shape existence, and their devotion to harnessing those forces to shape the world according to their dark desires.

Public Agenda

Through this carefully curated public agenda, the Angels of Death perpetuate their reputation as an enigmatic and malevolent entity. They leverage their perceived involvement in sinister and arcane practices to remain shrouded in mystery, allowing their true activities to operate unnoticed in the shadowed corners of society.


Founding in Olinth (33 PD - 140 PD):
The Angels of Death emerged from the enigmatic city of Olinth, a breeding ground for esoteric knowledge and forbidden arts. Formed in the year 33 PD, the order coalesced around a coven of necromancers, assassins, and mystics who shared a fascination with death's mysteries. Their objective was simple yet audacious: to harness the power of death and manipulate it to achieve dominion over the living.  
Necromantic Pursuits and Shadowed Influence:
As decades passed, the Angels of Death delved deeper into their necromantic pursuits. Through arcane rituals and dark arts, they honed their ability to commune with the spirits of the departed, extract forbidden knowledge, and control death's essence itself. Their mastery over life's twilight enabled them to subtly manipulate events, ensuring their influence extended through Olinth's corridors of power.  
Relocation to Minas Serin (141 PD - 196 PD):
Olinth's grim fate was sealed when it sunk into a treacherous swamp in 141 PD, its secrets consumed by the murky depths. The Angels of Death, however, endured. In 147 PD, they relocated to the gloomy city of Minas Serin, a place equally amenable to their macabre pursuits. Here, they continued to insinuate themselves into the fabric of society, weaving a web of control that spanned from the highest echelons of power to the shadowed underbelly of the city.  
Schism and the Rise of the Hidden Ones (199 PD):
As time marched forward, ideological differences within the Angels of Death gave birth to a schism that would alter their destiny. In the year 199 PD, a charismatic figure known as the First Veil led a faction that believed the order's mastery over death should serve a more vengeful purpose. Discontent with their peers' focus on manipulation and control, this faction splintered off, forming the Hidden Ones. This newly formed sect embraced the pursuit of retribution, carving a distinct path away from the Angels of Death.  
Enduring Legacy and Shadowed Pursuits (200 PD - Present):
Despite the schism, the Angels of Death persevered. Their mastery over necromancy and their insidious influence continued to shape the course of events within Minas Serin and beyond. From their arcane headquarters, the Necropolis Nexus, they manipulated, assassinated, and controlled, all while remaining obscured within the city's perpetual twilight.   The history and origins of the Angels of Death paint a haunting portrait of a secretive brotherhood driven by ambition and power, from their inception in the shadowed halls of Olinth to their continued machinations within the foreboding city of Minas Serin. The schism that led to the creation of the Hidden Ones further highlights the complexity and intrigue that have defined their dark journey.

Per Tenebras ad Potestatem

Founding Date
33 PD
Secret, Occult
Alternative Names
The Ebon Requiem
Successor Organization
Fallen Ones
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Related Myths