

Longclaw is mostly dominated by the Aniste Monastery and its denizens. Ninety percent of the population are Anisteri, with the remaining citizens being various merchants and staff that are built around the monastery's needs. There is a wide array of species and ethnicities within Longclaw due to the open nature the Anisteri have towards newcomers.


Within the walls of the Monastry you will find healers, scribes, scholars, diplomats, and warrior monks. Typically members are well versed in a multitude of roles once they have reached the upper ranks. Outside the walls you can find artisans who craft weapons, art, tools, and goods for the monks to purchase and supply themselves with. While traditionally the Anisteri are self sufficient, allowing for the modern conveniences and benefiting the economy around them is something seen as beneficial by the leadership.


Longclaw is ruled by the same rules and laws carried by the Anisteri monks. Following the general set of laws provided by the Lorean Court as well as additional local laws set forth by the Onyxclaw family.

Taxes required by the Lorean court are collected once a quarter as stated by the laws. Tribute to the Onyxclaw family is collected once a month as stated by Anisteri laws. This tribute is collected from any realized member of the Anisteri monks and citizens who have settled in Longclaw.
Founding Date
973 AR
Location under
Owning Organization