Ainz Ooal Gown: The Undead King Character in Ileth | World Anvil
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Ainz Ooal Gown: The Undead King

(Status: Alive) Ainz Ooal Gown: A shard of Ao that recently fell into Ileth. Embodying the shards of death and magic, but also human emotion, Ainz is a conflicted character as his undead and evil half eats away at his human and feeling side.
A tall humanoid skeleton, around seven feet tall, Ainz is an overlord. He stands with a bare form with two flickering red flames in his orbits and a reflective red orb hovering in the center of his chest cavity.
Ainz is a hoarder, with knowledge of every spell in existence and the ability to cast most, not to mention an eye for rare magic items, he thinks himself quite the collector. Regularly he wares his God-Tier magic item robes and on rare occasions wields his guild staff. He is slightly mentally unstable, he has delusions of friends that he lost and is haunted by them. In truth he did have friends, Ainz was a character cultivated by Ao in another plane of existence where he fought side by side as a human with other human comrades and built a home together until Ao plucked Ainz from that plane, Thereafter Ainz's mind and body was warped before being thrown into Ileth.
Unlike other shards, Ainz didn't fall alone, but those that fell with him weren't shards, they are beings with great, but lesser, power. When Ainz fell to Ileth in 3983AS of the Fourth Age he arrived with his home: The Great Tomb of Nazarick, and all of the followers created by him and his lost comrades. His mind is trapped by a sense of duty towards his comrades creations, he believes of he doesn't put on a strong face and lead them he is doing a disservice to his lost brothers and sisters. Since he fell to Ileth Ainz's mind is being slowly polluted by his undead form as the essence of human emotion is drained from him. Ainz Ooal Gown is in fact the name of his lost guild but as he took the weight of his lots comrades he too took the weight of that name for himself.
Currently he resides in his tomb in the edges of Re Estize territory, nearby Czechia. That said, he has not been entirely dormant. His infinitely loyal followers, the children of his dearest friends, look up to him as a "supreme being" and thus take action on his behalf even without his knowledge. Ainz himself has ventured out rarely, when he does, he goes under the guise of "Momonga" (His true name) an adventurer in the Re Estize Kingdom.
(Lawful Neutral)


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