Annatar the deceitful Character in Ileth | World Anvil
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Annatar the deceitful

Annatar is a shard of Ao. (Status: Dead)
Annatar fell to earth in the year 13699PS in the form of a Sylvan Elf in the city of Drukhari. Annatar had the body of a tall, well built Sylvan Elf with long blonde hair which would eventually turn black during the Fall. As a shard, Annatar was gifted with great magical strength even among the more magic sensitive race of elves, besides that Annatar was a strategic mastermind and heavily charismatic with a talent of winning people over to his side. With his knowledge as a Shard and a will to dominate all life he set out on a long and blood soaked road to conquer Ileth for himself.
After turning one hundred years old Annatar began to move - he began gathering likeminded extremists, indoctrinating new members and forming an ideological cult. After three years, he challenged the current High King to a duel: the high king reluctantly accepted after Annatar's insults got to him. Moments later the High King was dead, torn to pieces and his head in Annatar's hands. Not long after the High King's family was killed and Annatar declared himself High King of the Sylvan forest and set out plans to conquer Ileth.
Many people were persuaded by Annatar to join his cause, more were indoctrinated into believing Sylvan Elves are superior to all other races (Nazi style). Few followed Annatar out of fear, not to be culled. Thus followed the growth of the Sylvan Empire, The Fall, and the Birth of Slaanesh.
During the shattering Annatar's defenses fell, he could not hold back the might of two Shards, The Emperor (Who appeared in the Bastadon Steppe) and Lord Caledor, the conqueror (Who appeared out of the Jura Forest). Eventually both of their armies liberated the Sylvan territories and reached Drukhari, the capital. There they laid siege to the city for two years as Annatar and his Elves threw up a desperate defense until The Emperor brought forth his first legion of Astartes: The Emperor's Children led by Rylanor - The Oldest Astartes/Imperial Marine. They cracked the walls of Drukhari and The Emperor and Caledor faced down Annatar where he was killed (18131PS), not before wounding Caledor greatly.
(Chaotic Evil)


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