Pantheon of Valar and Maiar Organization in Ileth | World Anvil
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Pantheon of Valar and Maiar

The pantheon of the Valar and Maiar is the largest and most widely accepted faith of Ileth though split into many sects.

The Valar are the fourteen "Creator Gods" that awoke and formed Ileth as it is, immense beings formed at the beginning of time with no knowledge of their own creation. These deities have been dormant since the creation of the Númenóreans and lie in the undying lands in a deep sleep vowing to cease meddling with the mortal world, and to ensure their mental power is not adding to the growing presence of the warp.
See [here]( for list.

The Maiar however were beings formed not at the beginning of time: but came into existence manifesting aspects of the world around them. The Maiar are many and of all kinds: ranging from minor deities to major ones, of specific domains to general ones. With their number some may even overlap in character or purpose. Unlike the Valar these Gods formed groups and factions: favoring certain races and battling each other, however most of this ceased when almost all of the Maiar travelled to the undying lands with the Valar though some did stay behind.
See [here]( for list.

Though infighting is forbidden in the undying lands the Maiar still exert their influence over Ileth rarely, and all inter-deity fighting is done through servants in Ileth.
Elves and Númenóreans generally pray directly to the Valar, though many elves also pay homage and respect to the Maiar that favor their race.
Almost every race has at least one deity specific for them but many of the larger races have multiple, with mankind having the most.
Religious, Organised Religion

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