Shiraori: The Spider Queen Character in Ileth | World Anvil
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Shiraori: The Spider Queen

(Status: Alive) Shiraori, laterally meaning "white thread" is an albino Arachne with the ability to take an entirely human form. She fell deep under the Pyrenees Mountains in the first layer of the underdark, locally known as the Pyrena Labyrinth.  Mentally, Shiraori is young, unlike other shards who inherited knowledge of the ages upon there conception she has no such knowledge. Born like any other she matured at the rate of any Arachne despite her immense power. She is physically and mentally like that of a eighteen year old human female in her human form. In her natural spider form she has the hips, torso and upper body of her human form above the thorax of a *size large* spider body including it's own head and mouth. The spider has a hard smooth carapace that is wholly white apart from some areas of a reddish pink blotted around. She is playful and explorative but introverted and will avoid conflict unless some one is in need of help. (Neutral Good). That said if attacked, she will retaliate mercilessly.

As of this point she has done little to stir the tides of the world, only her spider spawn she creates: Identical but smaller versions of her spider body have tormented and exploration teams into the labyrinth.  There she dwells, currently in search of a way out of the twisting underdark tunnels.


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