The "God" Emperor of Man Character in Ileth | World Anvil
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The "God" Emperor of Man

(Status: Alive) Description:
The Emperor has no real name. That fact is known by none. The Emperor was born to two human parents in (17982PS). After he was born, and he opened his eyes, a psionic wave shook the town where he was born, bursting the hearts of his parents and family but a young boy survived, a Psyker himself, the young boy's name was Malkedor. The Emperor was born with infinite psionic capabilities and a myriad of abilities. From birth he could peer into the warp, there he saw foul creatures. The Emperor could see into the future, he could even speak to himself in the future. A child born with infinite knowledge and ability, he grew stern and strong. Despite this The Emperor is still human, he can bleed.
The Emperor could warp his figure, size and appearance to his will, but most often he appeared as a 12ft tall Caucasian man of immense stature and broad build with a wide chiseled face and long black flowing hair. 

The Shattering:

Upon reaching maturity The Emperor opened his full potential, that combined with the falling of another two shards caused the skies to rend and a fissure in reality, a crack in the material world, an eye of terror, to open in the upper Urals. As a human The Emperor took it upon himself to shepherd humanity to greatness, into a future of technology and prosperity. The Emperor was a devout atheist and discouraged any religion, especially to the Gods who left the mortal races to suffer in Ileth, and despite his knowledge of Ao's existence he despises his own creator. Also bare in mind that The Emperor was not racist or xenophobic, he just valued humanities future above all else believing other races weren't his concern.
The Emperor used his abilities to rally an army to liberate mankind of Sylvan oppression while appointing his only and closest friend Malkedor the Sigillite to begin the Astartes project. (Malkedor would later take a pilgrimage to the cave of the divine dragon and gain immortality) The events of the shattering followed and The Emperor founded his own Empire upon the site of his own village, naming the new city "Terra" meaning earth.

Unification wars and onward:
The unification wars were an attempt by The Emperor to bring more of humanity under his wing for a brighter future. Eventually this lead to war with the ancient kingdom of Arnor, whom The Emperor respected, because Arnor and it's king: Elendil believed that The Imperium's disregard for other races, forced indoctrination, and religious intolerance were a disgrace to humanity. During the following war High king Elendil and his son Isildur both died not long after the battle of the Pelennor Fields when Eorl the Younger came to Arnor's aid cementing the Oath of Eorl. The conflicts ended in a stalemate despite the heavy losses and the Imperium ceased its expansion out of respect for High king Elendil and his son Isildur, the last Númenórean Kings of Arnor.
The Age of Technology & The Primarch Project:
BTW the emperor was a shitty dad to all of them. The Primarch Project reached it's completion during the dark age of technology and the Emperor unveiled his 20? 21, no 19, no no, 18 Primarchs: Lion El'Jonson: The Lion, Fulgrim: The Phoenician, Perturabo: The Lord of Iron, Jaghatai Khan: The Great Khan, Leman Russ: The Wolf King, Rogal Dorn: The Emperor's Champion and The Praetorian of Terra, Konrad Curze: The Night Haunter,  Sanguinius: The Great Angel, Ferrus Manus: The Gorgon, Angron The Red Angel (The living abortion), Roboute Guilliman The Battle King and The Avenging Son, Mortarion The Death Lord and Pale King, Magnus the Red: The Crimson King, Horus Luperca:l The Warmaster and First Primarch, Lorgar Aurelian: The Urizen, Vulkan: The Lord of Drakes, Corvus Corax: The Raven-Lord,  Alpharius Omegon The Last Primarch(s) and The Lord of Serpents.
Each Primarch was scattered across the continent by Tzeentch. The Primarchs each inherited a power of The Emperor as they were made form his gene seed, and have a "Primarch Aura" marking their respective legions incredibly loyal to them.

The Horus Heresy:
During the siege of Terra by Horus and his traitors, The Emperor decided enough was enough, he was frustrated by the attempts of chaos to hinder his progress. The Emperor teleported out of the city, face to face with Horus who had just slain Sanguinius. The Emperor stood there lamenting the fate that had befallen his favored son while Horus attacked and tore into The Emperor. Eventually, after Horus had gravely wounded The Emperor using the power of the four chaos gods who possessed, The Emperor decided to kill Horus, with one immense psionic blast, The Emperor killed Horus, banished all four Chaos Gods and greatly injured them in the process. After that the siege broke and Rogal Dorn carried the Emperor to his webway project, connecting him to it in order to sustain The Emperor, it would later be called "The Golden Throne". 

To this day, The Emperor has silently sat on the Golden Throne, unconscious, but psychically watching his Imperium decay and silently still acting out his will, weaving the fate of men. while tirelessly trying to hold shut the hole into the immaterium.


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