The Abyss Geographic Location in Ileth | World Anvil
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The Abyss

Known to most by Orth, and even more know it by "The Abyss". That said, it's existence is known by few: Sailors who push the boundaries of the Ban of the Valar and fishermen from Skoscrag.

Orth is a small, rocky, and stone crag-covered island. It poses a threat to sailors due to unlit coasts, jagged rocks, and unruly weather. Though that's not all - Legend has it an ancient massive kraken lurks around the island.
Aside from that little is known of the island's contents.
Upon setting foot on the island (for the individual) it appears the weather has cleared and the sky is filled with golden light. Any non-deity entity is soon attacked by all manor of holy guardians. At the center of the island lies three stine pillars and an archway: Once a Silmaril has been placed in a slot on each of the archways a portal opens in the archway revealing a path to the Undying lands.

!!Everything below has been RETCONNED!!:

Is is a perfectly circular island, roughly two kilometers in diameter that sits up from the ocean with razed edges like a crater. Its has a rocky landscape and temperate climate but is often battered by storms and the like due to it's isolation.
In the center of the island lies it's oddity. An abyss, exactly one kilometer across that descends thousands of meters below the ocean. Within the pit the environment changes into an alien one that changes at different depth thresholds. Many types of unseen fauna and flora thrive in the pit, the likes of which have never been seen in Ileth.

To this day, the deepest depths have not been reached. Some theorize that at its bottom lies a secret to reaching the undying lands.
The Curse of The Abyss:
The Abyss holds a mysterious curse. Going down into the abyss holds no negative effects, but to move upwards in any way brings severe effects, depending on the depth you raise from and the speed. The deeper one delves, the more severe the symptoms are, starting at dizziness and nausea and gradually rising to intense pain throughout the body, loss of senses and even death. This makes the return trip from the Abyss extremely difficult, and it is not uncommon for Delvers to perish on the way up. The curse is as follows:
1st Layer: Edge of the Abyss: Depth: 0–1,350 meters. Strains of Ascent: Light dizziness and nausea.
2nd Layer: Forest of Temptation: Depth: 1,350–2,600 meters. Strains of Ascent: Intense nausea, headaches, and numbness of limbs.
3rd Layer: Great Fault: Depth: 2,600–7,000 meters. Strains of Ascent: In addition to aforementioned effects, Vertigo combined with visual and auditory hallucinations.
4th Layer: The Goblets of Giants: Depth: 7,000–12,000 meters. Strains of Ascent: Intense pain throughout the body and bleeding from every orifice.
5th Layer: Sea of Corpses: Depth: 12,000–13,000 meters. Strains of Ascent: Complete sensory deprivation, confusion and self-harming behavior.
6th Layer: The Capital of the Unreturned: Depth: 13,000–15,500 meters. Strains of Ascent: Loss of humanity or death.
7th Layer: The Final Maelstrom: Depth: 15,500–????? meters. Strains of Ascent: Certain death.


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