The Witch King Character in Ileth | World Anvil
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The Witch King

(Status: Alive) 
The Witch King or The Lich is a shard of Ao. An entity of pure Evil (Neutral Evil). A bringer of death, decay and destruction. The Lich fell to the earth in (18000PS) in the ancient land of Angmar once held by Black Númenóreans before Arnor exterminated them as a disgrace to the Dúnedain. Alike The Emperor of Man the litch was formed with unlimited knowledge of the cosmos and magic, though his specialty is not Psionics. The lich is an incredibly intelligent being, enough to trick a Chaos God, but it is arrogant.

The Lich's appearance consists of a tall decaying humanoid corpse about seven feet tall surrounded by a black shadow and a dark, green fog. In war, it dons a black cloak and iron crown keeping its face hidden from all eyes.
Since its conception the lich has schemed and planned against the forces of the earth. Deep in his fortress of Carn Dûm deep in the lower Urals of Angmar has he dwelt. It was the lich that widened the gap in the fracture allowing deamons of Chaos to spill forth igniting the Great Crusade, in doing so it gained the patronage of Chaos Undivided, and the lich grew even stronger. The lich weaved the fall of many servants of The Imperium all under the nose of The Emperor. He moves unseen weaving threads of doubt and conflict in Ileth to what end? To the end. Few know of his existence. (The Emperor has only just detected the Lich somewhere in Angmar). An incredible sorcerer: the Lich summons undead and controls magic with the skill of Ainz, as powerful as he is with magic, he is equal with blade. He wields a greatsword and flail in combat and rides an ancient corrupted dragon: A fell beast.

The lich will end all life in Ileth, then on Terra and then onto the stars. The Lich unchecked is a threat to Ao himself.


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