Emperess Thesellia of Illyria
Empress Thesellia was born into a minor noble house located in the tiny village of Portglen deep in the plains of Illyria.
She grew up learning the roles of nobility within her house and as the eldest daughter of the family was expected to inherit the family estates once her father had passed. As part of her schooling, she travelled to the Capital where she met by chance the then Crown Prince Ellwyn II. After a romance of several years and many arguments with the Imperial Court, they couple were married.
After the death of Solwyn IV and the accession of Ellwyn II to the throne, she was granted the title of Empress of Illryia and rules at his side.
Thesellia gave birth to Ellwyn II's son Malwyn I in 299 E. Their child is the current Crown Prince and first in line of succession.