Fractured Mountains

It’s a beautiful place of nature. The view is incredible and the mountains are stunning. I used to go there a lot when I was a kid with my family. It never ceases to amaze me
— Aerzi citizen
  The Fractured mountain range is located near the settlement, Haven of Good. It stretches across 3 thousand miles and has a colder climate with heavy snow during the winter months. It’s also prone to avalanches and harsh blizzards which makes it hard to cross.   This was used to make a remote settlement that surrounds the mountain range. The settlement is far enough away from the mountains to avoid getting damaged by the avalanches but its had a few close calls.


The mountains are covered in thick layers of snow and ice. The mountain range has snow on the ground for most of the year which allows it to be able to have animals that can survive in the mountain range. The mountains can range between 10k and 13k ft tall which is the highest in the country.


Despite the dangers that the mountain range has it still attracts a lot of tourists. The mountain range is well known by its view which attracts a couple million people every year. There’s also a good hiking path which takes you to the top of a mountain. When you reach the top you get to see the valley below which is covered by snow for most of the year and gorgeous lakes.


I may expand this article in the future

Work In Progress

This article is a WIP. It might get an update in the future
by ewirz on Pixabay
Mountain Range
Location under
Included Locations
Inhabited Species
Snow Leopard
Spiral Lizard


One of the worst disasters happened in 1283 AC when a huge avalanche happened and killed 30 people and 12 people injured. It also destroyed a few buildings. The area was closed down for a few days to make repairs and safety signs were posted to warn people.

Cover image: by TheDoctor292


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