Olshay’s Paradise

A city where disabled people can live as themselves without fear of discrimination. The population is filled with disabled people and there’s a lot of protection in place to prevent bad people from coming inside and to protect people from getting attacked.  


The city was made in -7493 BC by a group of people that settled down after being forced to migrate from their home a couple thousands of years ago. It stayed as a fairly small city for a long time before a ton of people started settling in after a massive war in one of the neighboring countries.

Warlord Era

When the Warlord took power the rest of the world saw what he was doing and began to enforce similar laws. The city faced a lot of pressure to cave in but they refused to do so since the ruler at the time was very pro-disabled rights. They started to put in a lot of protections in place to protect the town from people with bad intentions coming in. There were a few huge waves of disabled people that came to the city after facing a lot of harassment and discrimination. It became a safe place for them to safely be themselves without the constant discrimination. The rulers after them kept up the practice of what the city was meant to be.


I may expand this article in the future

Work In Progress

This article is a WIP. It might get an update in the future
Founding Date
-7493 BC
Location under


List of a few protections put in place
  • If anyone is caught harassing someone based on who they are they are kicked out the city
  • New people entering the city are put through a lot of background checks to make sure they don’t have any history of being discriminatory against disabled people and that they aren’t criminals

Cover image: by TheDoctor292


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