
Of all the peoples of western Immoren, humanity is perhaps the most perplexing to consider. We have adapted to live in a bevy of different conditions, from freezing tundra to parched desert. Countless variations are found among us, making it difficult to find any description t hat fully encompasses the breadth of all we humans have to offer. But do not allow yourself to be mistaken. Despite all our advancements, philosophies, and sciences, and despite the favor of the gods we worship and the Gift of Magic that has been bestowed upon us, we have within ourselves the same inclination toward violence and warfare that made us so welcome among the Molgur tribes. We may dress up our violence with modern conveniences and brilliant strategies, but something within us calls us to shed blood.

— Professor Viktor Pendrake

Mankind holds sway from the far north of Khador all the way to the southern tip of Bloodshore Island. There is great diversity among humanity—so much so that a traveler across western Immoren can expect to encounter numerous ethnic and regional groups, most of which identify themselves based on the most prominent old kingdoms from the Thousand Cities Era before the arrival of the Orgoth. These cultural identities are deeply rooted despite the rise of the modern kingdoms defined by the Corvis Treaties. Cultures and appearance vary dramatically among these groups, as most of these identifications are based on region rather than bloodline.

Basic Information


The Humans of Western Immoren are the standard by which scholars, mostly human themselves, judge other species. A average Human, by observational and experiential data, has: two arms with a hand the terminus of each; two legs with a foot each; a head with two eyes, two ears, one nose with two nostrils, and a mouth reside, preferably in that order from the top down with the ears on the same latitude as the eyes; a torso to which all these five appendages attach, preferably with legs on the bottom, arms at the uppermost left and right side, and the head at the center of the upper portion of the torso. Each hand has five phalanges, consisting of four fingers and an opposable thumb. Each foot has the same configuration with shorter phalanges called toes.

The muscular structure of a human is a multilayered system of electrically conductive meat-fibers that possess either a rapid or strong response to electrical stimuli. The fibers are lain over the skeletal structure, discussed later, attached by way of meat-bands called tendons, and are laid out in a complex system of meat-fiber contraction that allows the body and organs to work. Even when standing perfectly still, the internal muscles are working in constant state of contraction and relaxation caused by electrical impulses sent into the muscles by a system of meat-filaments called "nerves". The nerves are individually activated individually by the brain as it responds to stimuli by sending a biologically produced form of low energy electricity along the filament.

The skeletal structure of a human is made of layered minerals like calcium over an inner soft-sponge mineral layer. The body is encoded with the size and shape of each bone and if all nutrients are provided, the innate magic in the blood of a human will allow it to grow its limbs over time before the magic is expended. Damage to the skeletal system in this time period, corresponding with childhood, can damage the production of bones. A human infant is born with many smaller bones that fuse together to form the larger plating of certain bones like the human skull. In all cases the bones absorb material from ingested food and grow larger from the ingestion of certain digestible minerals, like calcium.

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans have two physical sexes: male and female. In the female there is a reproductive birthing capacity. This internal system has three main components consisting of an internal incubation chamber, and two internal supply chambers. The internal supply chambers house and produce an incredibly small unit of reproductive materiel which contains the form-creation instructions, as passed down to her, for a human. The male has an attached external factory that produces a mass number of biological materiel each possessed of small sets of additional form-creation instructions.

The male uses an attached biological ejection tool to slide into an access zone to the female's internal incubation chamber to eject a volley of materiel. When the male and female materiels meet, they are joined together to form an near-impossibly small life-form that leeches biomass from the female until the proto-human has achieved complete physical functionality. At this point the infant is forcibly removed from the internal incubation chamber and through the access zone into the world by way of internal muscular contractions.

This action is called intercourse and is said to be quite pleasurable if done properly, but also quite vulgar in that it is activates every sense of the participants in a very animalistic way if, again, it is being done properly.


Your human character has a number of traits in common with other humans across western Immoren.

  • Age: Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.
  • Alignment: Humans do not tend toward any particular alignment. The best and the worst are found among them.
  • Size: Humans vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. No matter where you fall in that range, your size is Medium.
  • Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • Languages: All human characters can speak the language of their home nation, but reading and writing are not entirely widespread. As the primary trade tongue used by merchants and travelers throughout the Iron Kingdoms, Cygnaran is by far the most widely spoken language in western Immoren, but anyone who has common dealings with citizens of other nations will typically learn the languages of peoples they deal with. You can speak, read, and write two languages of your choice.
  • National Origin: Choose the nation your character is from: Cygnar, Protectorate of Menoth, Khador, LLAEL, Ord, or Cryx. After choosing a nation you can use the traits listed for your character’s nation.
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