
North of Ord, the Khadoran Empire is dominated by the second-largest culture in western Immoren: that of the Khards, descendants of the empire that ruled the north before the coming of the Orgoth. Over a thousand years ago, the Khardic Empire and its western horselords conquered many small nations, city-states, and tribes, and the Khards of the present day descend from the strongest bloodlines of those times. Like other peoples of the north, Khards tend to be tall and physically robust, generally larger than their southern counterparts, and pale skinned.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Akilina, Akina, Aleksa, Anana, Anastasia, Anikita, Bazhina, Cestina, Corinna, Dalika, Darzha, Elina, Eliska, Elka, Gridia, Gubina, Ihrin, Ilyana, Ivona, Kasia, Katerina, Katia, Klenka, Ksana, Laika, Lariana, Ludmila, Malana, Marina, Marta, Mia, Mikhaila, Milena, Misha, Myrra, Nastasja, Natalya, Ninete, Ondreiana, Riksa, Siri, Sivasha, Sofia, Sonja, Stefka, Tahni, Tara, Tatyana, Vjera, Yelena, Zelmira, Zori

Masculine names

Aika, Aleksi, Alexandr, Alexei, Aliosha, Ambroz, Andrei, Barak, Bladko, Boris, Borja, Chasek, Costi, Culamir, Dahlrif, Dalmat, Dmitri, Dobrinya, Dorek, Dragash, Drago, Falko, Fedko, Fedor, Gasan, Ghita, Giza, Gorash, Goraz, Gorian, Grigor, Grigory, Iagan, Iakhno, Iakshen, Igor, Ilya, Ivan, Ivash, Ivdan, Jachemir, Jarosch, Jozef, Kachalo, Kigir, Kirbitei, Kohan, Kosara, Ladimir, Levanid, Loshka, Luka, Malash, Malko, Michal, Michka, Mikhail, Mikolo, Mishka, Negomir, Nekras, Nikolei, Olekse, Pachek, Petrov, Pytor, Radomir, Radu, Rajko, Ruskin, Sadko, Sergei, Servath, Solovei, Stoyan, Valerian, Vasily, Vasiuk, Vasko, Vladimir, Vojin, Volkh, Yakov, Yaro, Yuri, Yurik

Family names

Abrosim, Adka, Agrimko, Aleksy, Aleshko, Antonidka, Babora, Belavdon, Berzhin, Blizbor, Bolovan, Borga, Csabor, Dementskov, Dvora, Durga, Faltin, Grishka, Grychkin, Gubin, Istori, Karakov, Koposin, Krasnovo, Kutzov, Ladislav, Lichko, Louka, Lovot, Lozar, Makarin, Makarov, Mikitka, Mileshka, Mrovka, Nagorka, Nazarko, Neshka, Orlov, Osokin, Ostyvik, Padorin, Petrok, Petru, Raboshich, Rachlavsky, Radazar, Rostov, Starov, Strasvite, Szetka, Tiudiaminov, Toshiana, Ushka, Varnek, Venianminov, Vilimov, Vislovski, Zavor, Zeitsev, Zhina, Zhivo

Other names

In Khador, surnames are reserved for the kayazy and men of status. Many Khadorans refer to each other by their first name and a last name taken from their father’s first name, with males adding ‑evich or ‑ovich to their last name and females adding ‑ovna or ‑evna. Therefore, Grigor, son of Alexei, would be known as Grigor Alexeivich.

However, Khadoran naming conventions are no longer as standardized as they once were, and many of today’s families regularly break with tradition. This shift in naming is most evident among the members of the burgeoning middle class, who often use family names to create a perception of status that might not have previously existed.

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