The Hidden World of Gnomes Report in In Search of Dragons | World Anvil

The Hidden World of Gnomes

General Summary

As we continue through the simulated dragon interior Mirra began to feel ill so we put her in the middle of the group for her protection. As we opened the next door we came to a room with various gears, levers, pullies and cranks. We began to wonder if we should have stayed with opening doors on the right, but as we tried to back up, we discovered that as the doors closed behind us they sealed from the other side, so we continued forward.
  Ti'ock listened at the door to see if he could determine what might lie on the other side. He could hear the sloshing of liquid. Bing IronBlade decided that he would open the door, but as he did there was a rush of blood that came pouring out. Bing was covered and felt disgusted as he was covered in blood. Obviously, we were in the blood stream of the simulation. The next room was more cylinders pounding down from the ceiling.
  Recall a dream ...
Ra Di Gas had dreamt of a large horizontal tube with lots of blood covering the inside.
  We made our way around the side of the room to the next door. Ti’ock listened once again and heard the same sloshing noise. As we opened the door blood came rushing into the room once again. Bing was starting to feel ill and complaining at this point.
  The next room more gears, levers, pullies and cranks. We tried the two doors in this room, but neither would open. Bing’s complaining was getting annoying by this time so I created water to pour on him and allow him to clean himself off. It then came down to pure strength and forcing the next two doors in our path to open. Fortunately there was no more blood gushing on us as we continued.
Report Date
06 Oct 2023
Primary Location
EstWilde Regional
As we opened the next door we saw more gears, levers, pullies and cranks. We thought that this might never end, but as Ti’ock listened at the door he heard someone yelling for help. Could that be Abworth Kanard?
  We continued through another door and finally found Abworth. He had said that he had been stuck in the simulation for 2 days (and the room that he was in clearly showed and smelt like it). He told us that in another 2 days the simulation would reset and he could make it out, but that would have been a long two days. I gave him a goodberry so he would get his full nourishment for the day and we could get out of this horrible maze.
  On the way out a couple of us took some damage by some of the cylinders coming down on us before we could open the door, but the damage was minimal and we really wanted to get out of this simulation. When we finally made it out, we questioned Abworth about why he had the gnomes create the simulation and not paid them, or anyone else, back for the money they had loaned him. He has plans of opening up the simulation for tourists and making money through it and paying back the debts that he owes. I expect he will be run out of town before he is able to make any money off this contraption.
  When questioning him about the missing dragons and the fading moons he directed us to look in the northern moors and marked a spot on our map (Red Star) in the shadow glades. That area looks very swampy and cold, I’m glad I have invested in something to sleep comfortably.
EstWilde Regional
    As it was getting close to nighttime our group was directed to an inn that would allow most of our team to sleep for the night. Bing would not be welcome since he was a gnome and he would have to try and find some place in the gnome ghetto to sleep. He said that was fine, he was going to see if he could learn something about his new race among his people. Wow, that is certainly not the Bing of old, he must be mellowing out.
  We were able to get 2 rooms for the night with breakfast included for 1 steel per room.
    The following section was experienced by Bing alone, none of the rest of the party knows what he experienced.

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Bing found his way down to the gnome part of town where a guest house resided. Once inside he was inquiring about where he could get a room as the inn keeper was fiddling with a bell that was not working. Bing asked if he could help with the bell and the inn keeper was happy to let him try.
  While he was fixing the bell, Bing asked the innkeeper if he had ever heard about someone named Ironblade who was a Knight Commander of the Legion of Steel. While working on the bell, Bing told the story of his past life, and then revealed that was him in a previous life to the innkeeper. He explained that he had died and had been brought back to life as a gnome and was trying to find his way through the world in his now reincarnated form. The innkeeper asked him to wait just a moment and when he returned, Bing had fixed the bell and upon inspection he was quite satisfied.
  Bing was then escorted farther into the gnome ghetto by two other gnomes. They led him to an outdoor area filled with wood planks to walk through the mud and garbage that was scattered about. As he stepped into one of the planks his foot went right through it!
When Bing viewed what had happened, he realized that this was a false floor created by an illusion. Upon realizing this, he could now see what the illusion was covering up. It was a lush garden with multiple different kinds of plants which could feed the gnome population.
  He was then led into another building that was lavishly furnished and had a set of plate mail armor hanging on a stand. He was led into a final section of the area to meet Roondar, the gnome leader. During his conversation with Roondar, Bing brought up the money that Abworth owed for the dragon simulation to see if he could work out a deal to allow Abworth more time to pay them back. Roondar asked Bing if he would pay for what Abworth owed. Unfortunately, Bing did not have that kind of money, but he did give Roondar the piece of golden amber that Embert had given him worth 200 steel pieces as collateral to buy Abworth a 60-day reprieve. Roondar said that would buy Abworth some time, but he would still have to pay back the loan, and if not, Bing would lose the amber piece. Bing was then invited to spend the night in the gnome “ghetto” in a very comfortable bed with all the trimmings of a welcomed guest.
  The party joined the next morning and greeted one another.
  The next morning, we greeted each other in a tavern close to the gnome ghetto that served all who entered. Bing disclosed nothing of what happened last night in the gnome ghetto. Those who placed a dream stone under their pillow last night did reveal what they had dreamt of.
Ti’ock’s dream was a large bucket holding a dragon head, but its eyes were open, and it appeared to be alert.

Ra Di Gas dreamt of 2 small’ish silver dragons talking.

Bing dreamt of a floating black tower.

Oriana Salali dreamt of a bronze dragon being attacked by Ogres.

My dream was that I was flying on the back of a dragon, best dream ever!


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